This happened to painters when photography became a thing. Who would pay for a portrait now? The art they created in response is gorgeous and wonderful. I have no doubt humans are still capable of responding to such technological advances. 

Oh fuck off. Even if they could they'd take a higher margin knowing it would sell anyway. 

In my experience first day prices are too high even for folks who just want to buy the piece.

My guess is they'll be asking informed prices for everything. They tend to know where they will make their money at estate sales. Go the first day to see their prices, but very early on day two is when you'll get a good deal most likely

Stop it. My first vinyl setup cost 500 dollars and was fine. 

I'm not defining or misdefining anything. I guarantee however you choose to define it outside of circular reasoning, there are religious people who meet that criteria. 

I'm an atheist, but the fact is there are very smart people who are also religious. To deny that is to have an inaccurate representation of the problem of religion. It is similar to the idea that all conservatives must be stupid. It simply isn't true and again, offers an incomplete and inaccurate representation of the problem of conservative viewpoints. 

Get " A contemporary concept of Bowing technique for the double bass" by Frederick Zimmerman and go through those exercises. As mentioned in other comments, take your time, relax, go slowly. 

Right. If this is in a highly developed area there's a reason it's not developed.

I've moved states three times post college so I've got lots of experience making new friends. First off, it's not easy! It's easy to make acquaintances but "friends" takes explicit effort. Find a group activity you enjoy and participate in it regularly. Be forward with people. If you enjoyed you're time with them, be aggressive and get their number! Schedule the next thing. Tell them to introduce you to their friends. Get THEIR numbers and schedule things. It just takes dedicated effort.

Dude vinyl wrap is brilliant. I posted a whole thing about painting a squire body but this is the move

Buy a squire body in the color you want for as cheap as you can convince someone to sell it. Or by any squire body as cheap as you can and then paint that body. Check eBay, Facebook marketplace, Craigslist I'm sure you can find a good deal on something pretty cool. If at any point you feel like switching back to the sunburst or selling the instrument you've still got the fender body with no damage done and it's completely reversible and you can get as much money back out of it if you want. When you think about buying paint and all the shit you need to properly paint a body (drop sheets tarps some way to hang the body while you paint it , shit to remove the original coat, probably various tools etc) versus buying a squire body in the color you want the price Is pretty comparable. 

Edit: or look into doing the vinyl wrap someone else in this thread recommended. I can't say for sure because I haven't done the research but as long as it's removable with no evidence of it having been there it's definitely the cheapest way to get the color you want. 

Your friend might be religious, but more importantly they're an idiot. You're wasting your time. 

Totally different. No one is making you have an expensive wedding. Everybody has to be,er, handled, after their passing however. 

Depending on the guests (and the gifts) It is possible to come out ahead. 

That's not really a scam though, they spent that money knowing what they were getting in return. 

He just doesn't live alone yet. When he does to college that bed will stay there and he'll join the mattress on the floor club. 

I refuse to allow this thread to pretend teenage girls rooms are cleaner than guys. Piles of shoes everywhere that you can SMELL. clothes hanging off every piece of furniture in the room. Makeup everywhere, both in the containers and just smeared on things. 80 bottles of unfinished water. Hair, hair everywhere.