This Gosun charger seems interesting, but it might be worth considering a home solar panel setup if you're serious about charging your EV with solar power. That way, you could generate enough electricity to power your house and charge your car. Of course, installing solar panels is a bigger investment than a portable charger, but it could save you money on electricity in the long run.

Is CodiumAI worth using over GPT4/Claude for unit test generation?Use: Programming and Claude API

I dabbled with it in the past but kinda just went back to using GPT instead. Has anyone used it heavily and can elaborate how it compares? I'd be using it for pytest. Is the test quality better than GPT? If it's not or is the same then I don't really why I'd use it.

Need a Speedy Sports Betting Odds API (US Sports Only)

I'm on the hunt for a lightning-fast API that delivers both live and pre-match odds for US sports. Speed is crucial, ideally matching the real-time updates you see on sports betting sites.

Here's the kicker: I'd love it if this API functioned like a WebSocket, allowing for continuous updates instead of constant polling. This would be a game-changer for my project.

For reference, I'm only interested in the major US leagues: NHL, NBA, NFL, and MLB.

If anyone has experience with a stellar API that fits this bill, please share your wisdom! Thanks in advance!

That's awesome that you're getting into music licensing too! You're right, this film score came about because the director and I knew each other.

Selling my first film score, advice on Licensing?

Feeling excited and a bit nervous! I just finished scoring my first independent film, and now I'm diving into the whole music licensing thing.

The director wants me to handle it, but I'm clueless on where to even begin. There's tons of choices, and all that copyright  legalese is seriously confusing.

Ideally, I'd love to find a way that makes music licensing user-friendly, especially for someone new like me. Maybe something with clear licensing options and helpful resources to navigate the process.

Any recommendations from experienced composers on platforms for film score licensing?

Good alternative for Github Copilot?

Does anyone know alternatives that, like Copilot, can suggest multiple lines of code at once and generate code from comments?