Caring for a baby is way more stressing and exhausting than a 6 figure job. I know, I raised three kids and held down such a job. When you are home give her a break. She deserves it.

I am not a fan of label. I've always said that I love brains, not bodies. Love who you want.

I find many aspect here concerning but mostly that he seems to want to fire Sarah to force you into staying home. If you do agree to compromise and fire Sarah, you should insist that he care for the kids until a replacement can be found.

You don't owe anyone anything. I'm autistic and have worked in a corporate setting for decades. It always takes me well into a year at a new job to start trusting and opening up to folks. Take your time, be aware of the impact what you say and do has, and take it one day at a time. You don't need to push yourself.

Knowing both your concern what does he propose to do that would meet both your needs? I have a rule with my kids but it works on husbands too.... you can't knock a suggestion without proposing a different one that meets the requirements.

The authorized supplier you bought it from should have it and can provide it. They why Walmart wants you to have it (as opposed to using the current listing) helps prevent counterfeits.

Take a deep breath. You will find a path through this no matter how unclear it is now.

Now schedule a doctors appointment. Talk to your parents and just take it one step at a time. 🥰

It's frowned on in US companies to 'go over you manager' and I can see how she feels excluded. Part of being successful in an office setting is 'managing up' which might mean bringing B into your decision making process a bit more. People who feel included in the decision making process are much more likely to support the outcome even if it wasn't their preferred option.

My big thing is helping them understand the world and society they live in versus just forcing them to conform to norms they don't understand.

You still live at home, she has spent a lifetime caring for you. Maybe she should have left a note or sent a text but like you've never made a mistake. Be as forgiving towards her as she has always been towards you.

I don't think seeing them as fellow human happens. My experience is you go from being an object directly to being invisible.

Agree. Sounds like they aren't a good culture fit. The culture you are trying to foster is of shared effort with positivity. If this person isn't on board with that, and a stern chat hasn't helped...move them out before it spreads.

It's all in the delivery. The message is fair but to wait to say something until it exploded out of you in a rage would where the line was crossed.

I'm sorry to hear about you health issues. I would imagine your 8 week leave fell under short term disability (if you are in US) and that can pay out at less than salary. Most companies have an option in the benefits package to increase that by paying a couple bucks more per pay period. Unfortunately it's not retroactive, so I think your options now are limited but might be a thought for the future.

Another case of someone valuing 'being right' over their relationships. I don't believe that dirt cheap tix to visit would really set back the house saving if you wanted.

You know you won't get unemployment if you get fired for poor performance (for cause). If you can't afford to quit, you also can't afford to be fired. If you quit you leave on your terms and could probably use them as a reference in the future. If you take the path of being a crappy employee until they fire you, you won't get a referral and if you are in a small industry, word'll get around. I'd encourage you to take the higher road, do the honorable thing, and give notice.

Yes they approved but no they weren't right. We divorced years ago and my parents still hope we'll reunite. Fat chance.

Two thoughts. Have you talked to your sister and can she intervene? Second, if he's a coworker - that's harassment and you could make a complaint to HR.

I can't get a motion faucet to turn on to save my life. I look crazy waving all around the sink.

My rule of thumb is to never correct folks. Instead I express curiosity. Like...When you explained X, can you help me understand how that is different from Y? And if I do need to provide direct guidance or correction (which I have to do as a manager) I never do it in public.

I've worked for employers who showed you the door the minute you gave notice regardless of notice. At will employment, they have all the cards.

She's having a hard time letting go. Getting your own place might help set boundaries.

I'm 52 and most of Reddit would say I'm old but my brain still lives as if I'm 30 (which many redditors probably also think is old!) And folks are easily living into their 80s now. I don't feel like I need to do any 'coping' for another dozen years or so.