Haha, yeah. The 80s synth cover was pretty decent, too.

I dunno man. "I glued my balls to my butthole again" is pretty decent...

I read that in Bill Hicks' voice.

I miss Bill Hicks...

Let's try it the other way around.

Daquest, iQuest, Abraquest, Paquest, Eliquest.

Nope.... Still terrible.

I immediately thought of The Beards song "There's Just Nothing Better Than A Beard".

I'd love to listen! I like anything with a good melody. Thanks for the link!

Iron Maidens Pass the Jam is pretty jammy, and good, too.

Hell yeah! Welcome to the family!

Nice! Can I hear the album? Is it on YouTube? I dig the title.

If you're into metal similar to iron maiden and Megadeth, I'd be happy to share some of my tunes. I have a couple singles out and some others on SoundCloud. I have another full length of newerish tunes I'm finishing up the master for and plan to release that in a month or so.

Anyway, I'd be down to hear your stuff if you're willing to share!

Hell yeah! I'm working on a couple albums right now. One is an "early years" sort of album that shows my progress, which is the point. I feel a desire to rerecord some parts, but I've e been able to hold off on it. Something about seeing my progress as a song writer is pretty interesting, even if no or else will like it, haha.

Yeah. Definitely not a bad album. Just personally my least favorite.

Agreed. IWY exceeded my expectations and even gave me some BSSM vibes at times. Im likely the only one to feel that way, but I do. Once I heard it, I was no longer worried for RHCPs future. Then... The Getaway came out. It's not a bad album, it just didn't feel like an RHCP album to me. It sounded like they were trying to be something different, and maybe they kinda were. It worked for a lot of people, but not me. And that's fine. It's just not my cup of tea. I pretty much never revisit the album anymore, but will listen to the tunes if one comes on while shuffling my music.

With a guitarly solo at the end of the song!

Imagine worshipping an all powerful god that can be easily thwarted by taking a pill once a month, or getting a vasectomy.

They're great albums! You record any music?

Funny how I got down voted for suggesting a solution. Probably Kevin Shirley haters who have no idea what it takes to record, mix and master an album.


Hell yeah! Been doing it for years. I never really thought about why, but I could imagine it's because of Lars, haha.

I wanna make a tiki torch

Drummer here too. But I also play guitar and bass, so maybe I'm a real musician? I dunno.

What I learned with Senjutsu is my enjoyment of the album depended entirely on what streaming app or music player I was using. For instance, I purchased Power Amp and used that for a while. Loved it until Senjutsu came out. Senjutsu sounded like utter shit and I had the same issues other listeners bring up. I switched to my stock Samsung music and it sounded WAAAY better. It wasn't just Senjutsu, though. Dream Theaters Black Clouds and Silver Linings also sounded like ass on Power Amp. No amount of messing with eqs and settings helped. Now, I use Musicolet and everything sounds great, including Senjutsu.

For anyone experiencing bad quality with Senjutsu, try switching what streaming service or music player you're listening on. It made a world of difference for me.

I have, but sadly it still didn't do much for me. It's a good tune, don't get me wrong. I just feels there's way better out there. That being said, I am happy there's a live version with Bruce singing it, and any Blaze era tune for that matter. I liked the Blaze era and would like to see the Maiden boys play more tunes from those records.