My b, can never remember which of the aggregator sites mixes critic reviews with user reviews and which keeps them seperate.

So I wasn't the only experiencing weird lag spikes? Thought it was the dodgy HDMI I was using, but more than a few times I could feel the game chugging for no reason.

Yeah, I can't help but wonder if some of the scores are representative of DT being a breaking point of sorts for some people. I know this sub is a bit of an echochamber, but being told "job homogenuity will be addressed later" after years of complaints went down about as well as a wet fart in an elevator for a lot of people across the playerbase.

I have some difficulty believing that, given how far ahead they plan things these days. I can see 8.0 and beyond changing a little, but 7.1-7.3 are likely set in stone in terms of story. Granted I'm still in the mid 90's (was about to do the 95 dungeon when I noticed the maintenance announcement five minutes ago), so I've no idea if there's set up for an epilogue.

Anyone know roughly how long it'd take to reach rank 20 in Island Sanctuary? Haven't bothered with it at all (not even the unlock quest), but I want that felicitous set.

Then learn to play it as it is, positionals included.

Can't help but wonderhow much of that is SE doing badly, and how much of it is the yen doing a nose dive in the last 2 years. It's lost roughly a third of it's value since 2021.

VPR aoe's on 3 or more, always remember the general rule of multiplying the potency by enemies hit if you're unsure. Use Pit of Dread as needed, only time you'd hold off is if the pack is about to die and/or you're about to go into the boss.

Data from 6 days into an expansion? If they had waited a bit longer I'd understand, but the jobs barely put a week. Let people actually level the fucking thing and play it.

The twinblade combo (the one on charges) has positionals for an additional 50 potency (so 500 to 550). GCD that gives speedbuff has a rear positional, damage buff has a flank one.

Biggest issue with it is I don't like that Rise of the Dragon (the Nidhogg oGCD) is tied to Dragonfire Dive and not the Nidhogg themed phase that is Life of the Dragon. Aside from that, I don't really mind the rework. Fact the rework was cancelled in favor of general adjustments is certainly helping my opinion of it.

IIRC the reasoning for the oni ones was something related to Japanese folklore, something about yokai becoming more human the stronger they become.

They probably are legally, or they're connected to one under a production company they may or may not own. Twitter thing is just a fee cause Elon's a hack.

You intend for this one to work with both a hard and soft G?

Nope, most they might do to fix it is add duplicates with different dye channels down the line.

As I said, it's not best implemented. For whatever reason, people are getting slightly blurry texturtes at 100 (which is basically just FSR being off) versus it being at 99.

Sounds like upscaling is acting up. DLSS and FSR aren't implemented the best, most common advice I've seen is use either DLSS tweaks or set FSR to 99.

So, since I can't read Japanese, anyone know how the JP side of the playerbase is handling the new dye system? Since it seems to be going down about as well as a wet fart in an elevator on thise side of the house, at least given reception to the questionable selection of the 2nd dye channel for updated pieces.

They won't change old gear unless the forums really light a fire under their ass. Even then, most they might do is add new versions of that gear with different dye channels...starting in patch 7.3 at the earliest.

Kinda thought the /s wasn't needed, since it was obviously a placeholder they forgot about for whatever reason. It wasn't a Pixel Exarch situation where they hit the memory limit allocated to characters.

This is the same company that had those PS1 grapes as a focus part of a cutscene for who knowshow long during development, and only changed it after the memes and feedback. I'm not surprised at this stage.