runs to look the caption too as if they’re like personal friends lol

Idk what I was expecting, but it was not that and it was indeed a jumpscare

If I had a nickel for every time I am subjected to seeing Rach and Leo kissing in bed/cuddling in bed, I would be rich enough to open several of my own dream loft studios.

I thought we had a reprieve from Noelle’s bouncing boob content, but I guess not.

She always seems to start as “friends” with these guys.

I have so many questions. One, why are they doing that in the middle of a nice room with no coverings on the table or floor? Stresses me out. Two, just whyyyy the crackers look all mushy?? Three, imagine finding this at a charity shop in the future and being like “why did someone make this?”

I just went to look and all I can say is… yikes. If she’s trying to be purposefully cringey for comedy, it’s still yikes. A lot of people are doing that sort of eccentric comedic bits for reels, but this was not that.

It gives me anxiety that steffy decided to repaint her patterned patio free hand without stencilling, and adding all that patio furniture for an ad. If you look closely, you can see some of the lines are not straight because she freehanded it. I cannot.

I am her age and single and the only guys I find at bars where I live are like, early 20s. 😫 I hate online dating too, but realistically I don’t know how else to meet anyone.

Interesting, it implies that she and Chris must be on decent terms if he brought fern to meet maple?

This new beau of jag’s REALLY likes Star Wars. It’s all over his page. She certainly has a type. He definitely looks like an alternate reality version of the previous two guys.

Idk how she does it. I’ve been single for awhile and can’t seem to get any man to like me back or take an interest. Maybe I should take a leaf out of her book and start perusing bars for Star Wars bartenders.

She should draw an F in front of it and make it “Fart”. Thats a tat worth having imo.

I was going to comment this earlier then stopped because I wasn’t sure if I was the only person thinking this. I’ve never heard anyone say 30 something Mother’s cannot wear mini skirts.

The selkies actually seem to be evolving and lately the cuts they’re making are very flattering. I’m a fan of the corset style tops so it’s nice to see a break from the excessive puffy shit.