Get the nexus before the sharp price increase. Get it now while it’s cheap.

A Quebec man was clocked at 157 kph in a 70 zone. He actually told the cops that he was late for work.

The cops didn’t let him go, he got slapped with a 1488$ fine with 14 demerit points, along with a 7 days licence suspension.

Weird presence in Myrtle Beach, SC rental house.

When I was in Myrtle Beach, way back in 2008, I was at a rental beach house with me and my parents and my sister.

When we assigned the rooms, I was the only one that had the TV room because it has a fold-out bed. Straight away, I felt that something was ODD. I couldn't even explain it until some stuff happened.

I bought a brand new digital camera, had plenty of rechargeable batteries but here's what happened...

The camera was working just fine with fully charged batteries, it was working just fine in the bedrooms and the kitchen and dining room. But it actually refused to work when it was in the TV room. Outside, it also worked just fine. I tried to find a logical explanation but I couldn't find one.

The only time it managed to work, the screen went crazy, like really glitchy, displaying stuff like it was possessed. I also had this extremely strong feeling that I was being watched, like there was someone looking at me. I got naturally attracted to a huge mirror, it was antique and really big. I felt that there was something attached but couldn't tell what it was.

I use them for gloom hand locations, notable ores

Deaf here :) I sometimes use tty, if I want to have a super discreet conversation with relay.

Hi there! I guess you haven’t seen Canusa street in Quebec :) It’s a road that begins in Canada and continues into USA and goes back in Canada.

I have a copy of his ledger.

His behaviour is what got him 2 years in the slammer, along with not respecting his release conditions.

He misbehaved in court, got warnings from the judge and interrupted the court 3 times, third time the judge sent him to jail.

He got 14 more days because of all his charges.