Nebelung = professional hug receiver.

Cow cat = mob enforcer.

Volunteer cat socializer at my local humane society. I go in, sing some very off-key Lionel Richie to some frightened strays for 2-3 hours, pand help them realize that humans don't want to hurt them.

I read that as "dong flips" and the mental image was... interesting, to say the least.

Did you remember to bring two AA batteries for it?

Unless the bear says: "The jerk store called, and they're running out of you."

Bedrock bistro is low-end. It's not the absolute worst, but it's down there.

Kings pizza cannot seem to actually cook their pizzas. The dough is often runny, almost soup-like.

hmbrgr downtown is so bad I won't ever eat at the one on Ottawa st. either anymore. The manager is horrible there.

I'm really looking forward to watching this new Power Rangers spin-off.

Sleve McDichael was the man! Don't you be saying nothing bad about Sleve McDichael.

Well, you can't have the entrée without the side. Duh!

Please tell us that his (her?) name is actually "Fucker". Please.

It's ok. It doesn't expire until June 9th.

...It's still 2017, right?

I found out the people I was training were getting paid more than me. The other person in the same situation as I was threw a tantrum, and they gave him a raise right away. I respectfully asked for a raise, and they brushed me off until I quit. The week after I quit, they fired the guy who threw the tantrum because they found out he was stealing from the company. They got what they earned. I am so glad I don't work there anymore.