Awesome, this is how we have been playing. Just getting more opinions to ensure we are playing right :).

Been playing grimdark future: firefight for a couple of weeks. Need advice.

Can someone who is more experienced than myself explain how condition check works. I've seen players who let the attacking player roll to check what happens. I've seen videos where the defender is who rolls for conditions. Also do you add wounds to the condition check. Like say I have a unit on 2 wounds does that mean if conditions check I roll a 4 do I add the 2 wounds to make it 6 and knock out? Also does blast hit extra times if the blast weapon succeeds its hit? Like if a person succeeds a hit with blast(3) and the defender fails would the blast hit 3 times or does the defender roll 3 d6 to defend against the hits? Thanks in advance.

It's not hard to post something to the local fb to atleast allow the chance to return it to a child. Or are you forgetting pokemon is for children? Don't get me wrong I know adults collect too but for you to be out here trying to profit off a kids loss before trying to reunite them seems trashy imo. You do you man.

Why you posting this here? Return the binder to the kid who sees value in the cards regardless of real or fake.

Bro how tf you even manage this?

Yeah I know, that's why I made the joke of how it has more hp than the vstar šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Imagine if they put all that effort into just improving at the game rather than being salty XD. You can't learn if all you do is win.

Yeah I think anyone who is taking this offensively entirely miss half the points in Tom's songs haha. Respect others have opinions that don't align with your own and don't be offended by those differing opinions. Also thanks dude, hope you have a happy holidays this time of year whatever you celebrate :)

The message he spreads helped me to drag myself up and out of my depression. This gave me the inspiration to change my life. I lost over 150lbs and got myself a degree. Tom's music helped and continues to provide me the inspiration to keep my life together as it is only what I make of it.

It shimmers differently, that's about all it does.

Honestly think it sucks ass it only goes on 1 card and no all the cards you have of the character.

I just got it and I'm loving it. I got it because I just started playing D&D though. So my reason was to be able to play more D&D in-between my current irl campaigns XD. You will love it though, its a great rpg with turn based combat if nothing else.

Honestly the condition of this would make me glad it isn't real šŸ˜….

151 is way too recent a set to have fakes out already. I don't even think there are fake SV base yet.

I might be looking for a new home preferably a top25 guild.

Dub for the zard upc mat :)

No it's all good, modern sets aren't worth resealing

There are fakes that mimic that texture. The moonbreon has a texture change on the roof though which is how you tell real from fake on this one.

It's real, the texture radiating from the moon is different from the texture of the roof. Fakes have the same texture over the whole card. Congrats on the moonbreon :)

Yeah they are both legit, my son has these too they are very pretty. Congrats on them šŸ˜€.