Tippmanns never die, I have 98c that is older than the A5 and it still works like new. You should be able to get it up and running.

You can watch the video and get the context lol. Already told you I’m done spoon feeding you info. I can only lead you to water, nothing more.

Still in the Biden cult after last night or can you finally admit both sides suck and neither would be better?

What alcohol/weed combo is being sold with no age restrictions? Seriously I wanna know.

Wtf are you talking about? Not a Trump guy, just because I dislike Biden also and think neither of them should be president doesn’t mean I’m Trump guy. Maybe read all the comments or understand the arguments before jumping in with such a dumbass comment.

I’m sure he still these opinions, just because he didn’t like a vaccine that was rushed by Trump and pushed by Biden(that we now know is ineffective) doesn’t mean he hates all vaccines….

Should play flight simulator while the plane flies itself.

IMO it’s a lack of understanding or sometimes not wanting to learn something new. Everything should be on the table in terms of use and the best solution should be used. Also people stuck in the MS camp better gear up, Microsoft is becoming a lot more friendly with Linux.

You’re the one who brought up the 8 minute mark then questioned who was in it, you said twitter didn’t bring up the time the last time you tried to search. How did you get the time if twitter didn’t bring up the time? That’s the logic I was getting at. However that maybe above you. I can provide context but it literally says in the video who is speaking and where it’s at. The video is also not super cut/edited, I don’t know what else to tell you. If you can’t figure out twitter that’s on you lol. I’m not spoon feeding you info or doing your work for you.

I gave you one video on the conservative side, doesn’t mean I love there media just means I see both sides. I can also give you dem videos that are right if you want. Also If you didn’t have time how did you post this?

”No I said it at random. Who speaking? Where are they saying it at? Why are they speaking? What did they say before and after? Who are they speaking to?”

Like either you actually watched it and know what you’re talking about or you don’t. Sorry figuring out twitter is somehow hard for you…

No I can, it’s in the video it’s there election night. Reading is a skill you clearly don’t have. I’m done spoon feeding info to you. Have a good one.

Showing someone saying gore should have won, turns out both sides like to deny elections and have for a long time. Did you even watch it or just fast forward and think you found a gotcha? It’s pretty obvious if you watch the clip they show…

The person saying gore should have won, turns out everyone denies election results and have for a while. Like did you even watch it or just fast forward and think you found a gotcha?

lol that’s not even close to highly edited or cut off, if they did it wouldn’t be 24 minutes long. 99% of them are them literally being asked about the election then they go into rants. An example of a highly edited video would be the “fine people” that even snopes just admitted was wrong.

Neither one is better than the other. If you believe any different I can’t help you. You said the video was edited, I said it wasn’t and posted it. Best you can come up with is I don’t care I don’t use twitter? Just keep living with your head in the sand.

As someone who isn’t in either cult, you definitely sound like you’re in the Biden cult. I mean I guess he turned them right over after he “remembered“ he had them, he still took them though…. The video isn’t, it’s kinda funny even( https://twitter.com/Gapeach_3102/status/1687863656074375168/video/1 ). Trump didn’t let Putin walk over him the first time, I’m sure he’d just do what he did last time. Also Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, them attempting to join is why Russia “attacked” in the first place.

Yes let’s pretend Biden didn’t have classified documents in his garage, the democrats didn’t deny trumps election result and then tried for 4 years to out him with a “Russia” connection(I can find the 23 minute video of democrats saying they don’t believe trumps election results if you want), and Biden can’t even go overseas for a meeting with allies and has to delegate to the VP during an escalating conflict with Russia. But you think there is a difference……..

Smartest person in the room? Just because he can put together complete sentences when he’s on them doesn’t make him the smartest person in the room. I’m not even a Trump guy but half the time Biden speaks he looks like he pooped himself or gets lost half way through his sentence. Both are embarrassing. Pretending everything is fine with either does no one anyone any good.