It's not a big deal just do it. Frank Zappa could have lived another 30 years if he just got checked. I'd just feel stupid if I died because I didn't get a colonoscopy.

Nymph, in thy orisons be all my sins remembr'd.

I haven't met anyone IRL that didn't think it was terrible.

Another thing linking them was most missing hikers are being very experienced. I guess they get too comfortable in the wild.

I went down a " missing hiker" youtube rabbit hole and the number one thing linking them all was going alone.

Very cool. It's called a railing not a handle. No one cares but I used to make railings so I thought I'd mention the correct term.

He saw the view from halfway down.

Marcus Aurelius said "Consider yourself as dead, now take what's left of your life and live it properly". Don't be jumpin off bridges, there's a better way.

Check out Gopher on Youtube he has great modding tutorials. Take the time to watch a few videos and learn to fix problems because it's a pretty constant battle keeping mods working.

We almost never see people staring straight at us like a mug shot. Heads are almost always turned slightly away and at an angle. Practice drawing that, it will also give the character more volume and expression.

I like disco, it's fun. I like punk too, it's fun. I don't care what other people like, it's fun.

She could have been another Len Kabazinski, but she put us all at risk of never seeing Richevans again. This crime is unforgivable and she should be catapulted from the city.


Well. Ivan's problem.


Real quick ?

I would throw down over a missing pancake, totally justified.

Many actors started working as children. They don't have a formal education. Decaprio stopped going to school in the 7th grade, same with Brie Larson.

Naw it was great, but I had great stores nearby. Blockbuster definitely sucked but I'm not one for chasing the latest hype. This one store in Cambridge, MA had sections for specific directors and genres you wouldn't see at Blockbuster. A lot of great foreign films you wouldn't find anywhere. A whole section of just martial arts classics, like Lone Wolf and Cub series ( Baby Cart Assassin ). Blockbuster and Hollywood Video sucked though for sure.

Yeah but you have to beat around the bush first.

Foreskin the size of a wizard's sleeve.