and now if we step out if feels like we are getting slowly baked alive..that ice storm was crazy though

It only benefits Russia and China. These people actively want to destroy this Nation. Russia and China have the best and most loyal Useful Idiots, the Republican party.

Definitely wasn't trying to place any blame on you and definitely glad you are both ok.

Would've hit the horn a lil sooner. Glad no one got hurt.

These MAGAat Republicans are so ignorant.

Watch the documentary "Brainwashing of my Dad " it explains this as well

Just imagine if you or I had lied under oath to Congress or lied during a job interview.

LOL. A easy search will give you your answers. Although, you'll just deny it because they didn't get in trouble for paying off a porn star and falsification of business records to cover it up. So fucking dumb

Again, thousands of people have been charged and convicted of fraud. Just no one else has done so for paying off a porn star. How dense do you have to be to think that NO ONE has EVER been charged and convicted of financial fraud in the State of New York? Serious question, how calloused are your knees from desperately trying to appease Dear Leader?

Hey sunshine, there are thousands that have been charged and convicted for financial fraud, moron. No one else has done so because they paid off a porn star. Loyal Trump.dogs are hilarious in their pathetic defense of their Master

LOL. Just stop, Biden did nothing of the sort. Trump broke laws so the STATE OF NEW YORK charged him and took him to court. Trump is a criminal. Do you expect the DOJ to just turn a blind eye?

Also, write a coherent sentence, Boris.

The justices that lied under oath should be removed from the bench and never allowed to be a judge again. Then throw the corrupt ones in prison and we can restore the legitimacy of the court.

It was pretty well understood, so much so that the SCOTUS ruled against Nixon which then led Nixon to resign because he was open to criminal punishment.

People that qualify for Social Security should be forced to retire from all government offices.

Republicans don't have a high bar to get elected.

He's old. But he's not an evil fascist that loves Putin. I'll take his state of mental fitness over the moron rambling on about sharks, batteries, and electrocution

Really wish this game wasn't cross-platform.