So with that logic if I wanted to go up my steps would be Em7 Am7 Bm7? I’ve never been able to grasp the concept of cord progression especially the concept of 7th cords and cord progressions other than reading music. Is It just a matter of going up the steps of the scale?

Wow toatly didn’t think about that lol. Google couldn’t do much to help me so came here lol thanks!

Dumb question but trying to experiment and write a little banjo song and have no clue to what will sound good.

So I’m currently messing around on banjo and discovered a beautiful cord and want to make a nice little song. A simple pinch pattern song

However the cord is a E minor 7. ( bar on second fret pinky 4 fret 3ed string ring 3 fret second string) Now I have no clue to what other cords to use in conjunction to add to the little song. I have no knowledge of music theory but want to make just a simple little somber song.

What other cords would you all recommend I try to make this one little cord actually turn a song.

If any y’all actually are curious to what sound and vibe I’m thinking I can post a snippet of what I got It ain’t much.


Correct me if I’m wrong but I always thought that word referred to a fat lesbian at least that is what it meant where I’m from

Ok I think from the comments I’ve gotten I probably need to have a chat with a doctor and evaluate my exercise.

Thanks for the help!

No, no pre workout just working out. When I’m not working out it just goes back to normal but when working out the the pump is like described.

Experiencing a crazy pump when working out (seeking advice) Warfarin

So I’ve been on blood thinners since February and for the past 2 months I’ve been hitting the gym rather hard trying to get back in shape.

(Had a partial clot due to vein damage not some blood disorder)

And when I go my mussle get really pumped and full of blood really fast and easy for it doing not a lot of work to the point it is almost painful (it dosent hurt but it limits movement and is very uncomfortable, my mussles feel really taught and weird) I know a pump is common when working out and I have had pumps before but recently it’s been a bit on the insane side of pump. I have been working out a little harder than I have in the past but after like 2 sets I’m fully pumped.

I’m just on 4mg warfarin is this normal or should I talk with a doctor.

Also I’m a 22 male if that makes a difference.

It looks just like him!

Sadly he past away a few months ago. We lost a real one his videos live on and are still entertaining as hell. Raise a beer to that.

Tracking my sleep isn’t quite the stress I meant. More like overwhelming amounts of work that throw off my internal rhythms (like benge studying and having to work extra long shifts, this hasn’t had to happen in months now) not allowing my brain to properly turn off at night. I do try my best to get a varied diet with lots of nutrients so I’m fairly certain it’s not that.

I wanted to start tracking my sleep to insure that I’m allowing my body ample time to recover from workouts. And I feel like it’s a little lacking and my sleep pattern to me seems a little odd however I couldn’t find anything online to compare it to. Which I why I took to Reddit to see if it’s typical or if I need to evaluate and maybe little something to get better sleep.

Is it normal to have this much awake detection with Apple Watch

I’ve been tracking my sleep for a few nights now because I occasionally have stress induced insomnia sometimes

I’ve been tracking my sleep with a Apple Watch Series 5 and after a week of tracking it says I wake up around 5-9 times a night taking up a total of about of around 10-30 minutes a night

I’m a 22 m college student if that makes a difference. Not looking for health advice but more or less just wanting to know if that pattern is typical

I’ve had a bit of a lifestyle change with exercising more and am very sore for the past 2 days but it’s not been that atypical for me to be working out.


Weekly dang didn’t think it would be that often. Awesome that’ll get me a little something started.

Any idea about row cropping?

Wtf is weegee zin stories.

I know what weegee is but no idea about zin story’s (is it some niche flip note creepy video series or something?

Odd take but I think the janitor robots from AC6 they look super menacing and awesome. But when the whole fight is basically. Fly up out of damage range and do weak spot damage it kinda looses its charm of being a cool clean up robot that also kicks ass when it can be defeated so easily.

Ok thanks for the info. The app I use over estimates my calories so I had to set it manually so about every 20-25 lbs would be a good ball park time for adjusting. Thanks for the comment!

I’m sorry but for amino acids that not quite exactly true it’s good to get amino from a variety of sources to make sure your getting enough micro and macro nutrients and a good amount of vitamins from food and prehaps some other non essential amino acids but the important thing to look at is the DIAS score for the essential amino acids.

If your goal is to maximize your protein meat based protein is the best and you will get a good spread of amino acids that are 100% Biologically available. If you consume a diet more derived from plant based protein you will have to consume larger portions (and more calories) to have the same amount of effective proteins.

The numbers as far as raw protein may be the same but the amount of useable protein that is not on the package of plant based food is considerably lower.

It’s not your last shot. You always will have the ability to change.

That aside I’m sure you’ve already heard “track your calories” “work out more and harder” and similar. And I highly recommend theses to help.

But what people miss and I struggle with too is getting a rhythm and some structure in my life and getting in that weight loss fitness mind set. For me by far my biggest challenge is the want to do more because I’ve gotten in this depressive sedentary lifestyle and it’s hard to get out of bad habits. And it is hard to change from this and form new healthy habits.

This is what I did and it has helped me out.

  1. I firstly keep my living area clean. It sounds cheesy but i know that if you have that aspect of your life under control clean and neat it will help modivate you to continue making positive change

  2. Put yourself in a bit of an echo chamber. Not sure what others think about this but when I only consume content that is educational for me about weightlifting and weight loss. It keeps the thought of losing weight on the forefront of my mind keeping me more focused in the goal of losing weight and it also will help you gain more knowledge on this subject. (But make sure that the person your listing to is credible and will not lead you astray)

  3. Meal prep. I used to be a bit of a snacker but after i restricted myself to my meals i prepared knowing exactly what is going in to my body and how much I am eating it insured me that I am in my caloric decline and will lose weight.

  4. Find a good workout program. I am not very good at making my own workouts so I found it hard to go to the gym and make real progress. I found an app called Boostcamp and it has actually made a world of change for me because it has tones of free premade programs that are surprisingly good even tho the names are quite cringe worthy sometimes. (I’d suggest natural hypertrophys novice program easy to follow and very well structured)

Theses are the things that I started doing and it has helped me stay on track hopefully you found this helpful

If you decide to start tracking your calories “which I would highly suggest” since you are vegetarian you need to over estimate your protein. Reason being the quality of the protein you get from plants are lower meaning your body does not metabolize all of the protein that it says you are getting on the package. You can do the research for your self if your interested looking at DIAS scores and what not but simply put consume more plant based protein that what ever calculation you find for your self.

Protein is the most important macro for weight loss and muscle building so it is crucial that you get enough of it.

Ok I was wondering if it was more dependent on weight gone for example let’s say I’m down 10 lbs in like 3 weeks losing a lot of initial weight. Would I then readjust. Or would it be better to go until I’m practically at maintenance calories for my new weight and then readjust again?

Just wanting to know so I can decide on a “strategy” that is optimal opposed to changing down the line.

How often should I readjust my calories? (NSFW skin shown in YT video thumbnail)nsfw

So I just watched this video

and I’ve always know about needing to adjust your calories down but the question hit me how often do I need to adjust my calories. I’ve been very inconsistent the past few weeks due to life throwing a knuckle ball at me and tomorrow start of the month I’m getting back on the wagon but my intrest has been peaked and I’m not sure what the answer is. Anyone have any thoughts on how often do I adjust calories after losing some weight?

So I did something similar to you and I went hog wild and didn’t consume any more that 1500 a day and spent about 15 hours a week and essentially it ruined my metabolism I did it for about 3 weeks straight and I did not loose a single pound.

As soon as I went up in calories to something around 2000 still a deceit for my size but not the near 1000 calorie deficit I was on and I was able to loose 5 more lbs.

For anyone whose trying to lose weight don’t go crazy low off the get go but make good conscience decisions that will help you get to your goal but don’t crash diet. Employ a strategy to get you to your goal.

Not saying OP is going crazy low and spreading bad advice but looking at raw numbers and not taking your own dietary needs into account for your current hight and weight can lead to poor decisions like what I did.

I’d do a bit more research, other than trusting a random Redditer I’m sure there is some info from the bigger creators on YT that have some videos on it

Used bahama mamma as an actual bahama mamma mixer. Makes a dang good mix drink. 🍹

Scorpion sting or whatever the reskin is called is one of my favorite flavors. It’s def weird but weird in a good way.