No, you

Give me your top 20, now I'm super curious

I was waiting so long for this moment. Second human being to name Quicksand their top track <3

Jeśli tytuł byłby treścią zadania z matematyki to odpowiedź brzmi zero

For me, past 30 is the time when I finally found ways to be consistent with my ambitions and actions. First time I've opened Fruity Loops I was 14 or 15 and for another 15 years has an on and off romance with music production - this never lead to anything, not even becoming proficient in the DAW itself. Somehow, when you grow up, things suddenly start to click and you look different at them. I'm 34 now and am on a 2,5 years long run now of consistent music producing education routine without big struggles with motivation. As soon as you realize the time is running out, you'll forget all the small problems that make you procrastinate

Yeah and noah. Most of artists are/start as music fans in the first place. This is where the reference point naturally comes from. What's bad in admiring someone else's work and admitting that yours isn't at the same level yet?


Nie o pompkach ani o aktywności fizycznej a o muzyce - od ponad dwóch lat każdej możliwej nocy, przed spaniem, siadam na minimum godzinę do muzyki (elektronicznej) i tak dziubię po trochu każdego dnia.

Efekty przychodzą etapami, czasem nawet sam siebie zaskakuje a największą satysfakcję mam otwierając stare projekty z początków tej przygody i edytując je do aktualnego levelu skills/jakości produkcji.

Od dzieciaka się tym interesowałem ale nigdy nie miałem tej cierpliwości jaka przyszła z wiekiem. 15-latkowi trudno się pogodzić z tym że muzyka nie będzie brzmieć profesjonalnie po dwóch tygodniach próbowania, do tego dochodzi ciągła potrzeba walidacji z zewnątrz, brak głębszego zrozumienia że robisz to dla siebie a nie dla innych/sławy itd. To samo w wieku 17, 19, 20+ lat - podrygów było wiele ale zawsze brakowało przede wszystkim cierpliwości i rutyny - pomimo wszystkich innych wymówek czy powodów które przychodziły do głowy

Czasu nie cofnę, ale gdybym mógł to bym usiadł z tym dzieciakiem i spróbował mu wytłumaczyć że w życiu rzadko kiedy rzeczy przychodzą łatwo i szybko - najczęściej trzeba o nie się konkretnie postarać, oraz że czasem lepiej poświęcić godzinę dziennie przez 48 dni, żeby zbudować rutynę, niż spędzić ciągiem cały weekend szarpiąc się bez przerw z tym samym tylko po to żeby zrezygnowanym rzucić pomysłem w kąt następnego dnia

34 lata teraz. Nigdy nie jest za późno żeby na poważnie zacząć robić to co kochamy.

OP szacun dla Ciebie za te pompki!

If your vision or dream that drives your motivation is to make great music/become a star anytime soon - we've all been there and the harsh reality is it will take you minimum a couple of humbling years to get anywhere near release-quality with your music.

You'll learn to love the process and that it's the music passion what keeps you going, not streams, not views, not likes. As soon as you realise that immediate success is not going to happen and that at the beginning you shouldn't entrust your motivation and goal setting to music career-ambitions - you'll become free.

There will be no career for the next X years.

Just music and you.

And it's fine :)

That's some Fallout stuff

Either audio interface or before getting one you can try to plug the guitar cable directly through the headphone jack (mic) of your laptop. The signal would be very weak but you can try boosting it later on. Then it's all about setting up the FL so that you can choose mic in as your audio input in the mixer channels like for example on this vid:

What's better about collaborating with online met people instead of industry professionals?

Agree with everything you've written except for the plan. As far as music production craft goes it's a lot of creative work which perhaps doesn't have to be as structured to be effective. But if this one is ticked off and the next step and your intention is to make a job out of it - we're talking about business here, trying to make money - you better have a plan.

You can either wing it for an unknown amount of years before you luckily stumble onto something that brings success, or you can devote a bit of time at the beginning of the career to map out and plan potential directions and opportunities and write down a plan how you're gonna tackle them to later on give you structure and efficiency.

I'm not there yet in my own musical journey to enter this career planning phase but I'm also working full time and am aware that winging vs structured approach brings faster results in a business environment

0:13 - 0:15 what is it then? Doesn't look like Freedom of Russia Legion's flag

He evolved into Doppenberg

Look for Ferry Corstens "What the F" tour - it's basically a night of classics left and right

I actually have read it all and appreciate you for the time you took to put together such comprehensive comparison. If you ever recorded/streamed a session where you work with both FL and Ableton in parallel - I'd love to observe and learn. I'm an FL user but eyeballing Ableton for different reasons

Gazillion of syringe injections of god knows what to grow a single chick