I've only heard small.bits. the guy is smart but I think he's an unreliable narrator and I think he eats up the attention he's gotten but i dont trust him for honesty. He's got to much to gain to keep.things "interesting".

My husband hates leftovers. There's no good reason except his family thinks they should be thrown out. What? I was raised quite privileged but we never threw food out unless it was bad. Leftovers usually were cleaned up the next day. We all loved leftovers and we had to warm them on the stove in those days.

My sil, many years ago, had invited us to Sunday dinner and had made a huge roast. There were still 3-4 lbs left after and she moaned that it was such a waste. I was incredulous. Why a waste? She asks what could she use it for? Are you kidding? Hot roast beef sandwiches, or just roast beef and gravy. Cut it up and make a curry. At least make roast beef sandwiches for the kids lunches. I don't know if she did. My husband to this day, if we have guests and there's leftovers always urges people to have seconds so "it doesn't go to waste." And I assure all who are horrified that it will not go to waste but eat what you want.

My hair has always been course and frizzy. It is thinner and still.frizzy.

My daughter traveled overseas alone at 18 or 19 and moved out west alone a year later. Why not? She was legally allowed. If I'd forbidden her, I'd have lost my daughter. Instead, I could offer warnings and advice and could be excited for her.


(Old ad for a Canadian choclate bar)

I have missed all the fancy stuff. There was mostly just regular coffee back in the day when I drank gallons - black. I had some sinus issues and coffee smelled disgusting for a few decades. I've just started to get things working again so I am having coffee again. I don't order it yet - just brew it up. I like to sweeten it with maple syrup and add cream.

I did like my sister but only for who I thought she was, not who she really was. I've had a hard time coming to terms. My mother was not good at her job and basically set us up for this long long ago because of her own strange assumptions and beliefs. She really failed my sister but my sister also failed herself far more drastically. She's got some dire consequences to face.

I'm sure I'm not. I just feel like I have no sense. There were just so many things that were never explained to me - in fact, I think I was lied to a lot about how the world really works. And I made some silly assumptions. I'm still having trouble coming to terms wtih the fact that my sister isn't a good person. I suspect I am not either. It wouldn't make sense if I was, given the rest of my family. lol

I think you should probably go visit with her one day just to see how to do what needs done, just in case - for your own peace of mind in case the unthinkable happens, but tell her you don't really have much interest to just babysit. It's not for everyone. But being comfortable with the little one might make you more interested too. Or not. I'm not really fond of kids but I did like my own and now my grandchildren. I don't care for any others as a rule.

Because cottages cost a fortune now. My parents bought a property and erected a cottage for about $10,000 back in 1960. Mom didn't realize prices had gone up even then and sold way underpriced for $135,000 instead of more than $250,000 which was typical then. That was maybe 20 years ago. It sold a year ago for $1.7 million. The property taxes are about $6,000 per year.

I think there is currently somewhat more turmoil and I'm not gonna lie - it could end badly - but this could have been said a million times in the past and saner minds prevailed every time. I think we are seeing the death throes of old forms of religion and they are cracking down wanting to mandate their religions although most people just don't believe in them any more except maybe as nice stories to promote good values and community and it's just not cutting it now. Religion never worked without instilling fear and judgment of some sort and people have more scientific thinking now. Even those who believe in woo expect a scientific explanation these days. It's not "magic" of the old type. People want logic, not authoritarianism. But we still have a lot of people who will use any means to exert control and power over others. There is a strong backlash against all those who have earned their freedom from oppression. Gotta look at who benefits from these systems. There are always some bullies who see themselves as the good guys.

65 F. Had glasses at 15. I don't wear glasses since cataract surgery.

I have mostly my own teeth including wisdom teeth. But I'm a clencher so they are wearing. I broke two in half so they are gone. I didn't take great.care.of them as a.teen. I deserve whatever comes of that. I've had lots of cavities filled and refilled and root canals.

My hearing is very good.

I have no.conditions at present other than chronic pain from some accident i dont recall which messed up my neck. My dad used to say that when I was born, the doctor said I screamed so loud, he dropped me on my head. I wonder if it's true. Anyway, i make weed oil for pain.

I've only recently done this. I wish I hadn't had to cut my sister off. I don't regret it, but it does upset me that I had to. I feel more like an idiot for not seeing the obvious. I have incredible lack of judgment in people. I honestly don't know if my expectations are way too high, or if I just don't recognize the best people and am drawn in by manipulators instead. And I see that I need to have some firm boundaries. Even if my expectations are too high, I have to enforce them if I want them to be respected. I will never be liked by everyone, so I might as well like myself.

I know a lot of people think he should do her thing. But given this is his parents one big deal.and if it's the only big deal - she can do any other holiday wherever she likes then I think he should get this. It really matters to him. His wife can see her sister and baby. I don't see the problem. She can be excised for this. I'd rather go to a family reunion at a lake than see a baby I could see next week.

My kid is hosting a BBQ and blowing off a LOT of fireworks.

Exactly. My kid got me.a digital.frame and I dug up my old external.memory and fired it up to upload pictures to the frame.

I dont really know about being an empath. I'm introverted - sensitive in the way that autistics are sensitive maybe. I find too much activity and lights and sound and people very disorienting. Too much input to make sense of. I'm still fighting the good fight and trying to be "normal". Lol.

I have similar issues with the thermostat in our house. My husband always drops his pants when he comes through the door. In winter, he whines that 24° isn't warm enough and he plugs in a little heater in his office. I just put on a sweater. In summer, he insists on keeping the a/c at 24° although that's too cold in winter. I like it at 26°. It's comfortable to sit in and feels like summer which i actually enjoy. It's still cooler than outside when it gets hot. But he just has to have his way. Like your husband.

About 50 years ago.

It's been a gradual thing. I've been dressing for comfort a while now. I don't have much in the way of party clothes.

I wear pearls. I don't care if they are in or out. My daughter has borrowed them. I think I gave her a strand. I have a lot of pearls.

You are right but people also think Gone With the Wind and Romeo and Juliette are romances and Gordon Gecko was a hero saying Greed is Good.

People are thick.

I've been watching the Sopranos for the first time. It's obvious that the lifestyle is awful. I keep thinking these guys could have real businesses and succeed but they just can't do things honestly and they fuck themselves. (IRL I get annoyed with Travelers and Gypsies continuing their shitty lifestyle. They can rarely amount to anything much because they don't claim money they make because they don't want to pay taxes but then don't manage to build up.credit to get somewhere. Shoot themselves in the foot.)

I couldn't get through a single episode of succession because it was just too aggravating. Mad Men was just sad but I enjoyed the nostalgia.

I wondered about that myself but I suspect optometrists do referrals all.the time.

I went for it be my corneas were too thin.

I'm old now and got cataract surgery.

My mom wasnt much to recover from. She was never there for me. I didnt like her much.