One of them is going to win. It’s not like not voting for either causes the process to start over.

It’s up to the voters to pick which is better than the other. This has nothing to do with party loyalty.

I used to think not voting was a viable option, but I don’t anymore. Most campaigns rely on polls based on likely voters to make their decisions. By not voting you get removed from that pool. That dilutes the number of people who want any particular thing.

There will be regret in either case. Neither will be perfect for everyone. But one could be disastrous for nearly everyone.

Biden did not inspire people to vote for him in 2020, people voted to get Trump out.

Also, polls this far out have poor performance in predicting the winner. In addition poling has been off by a few points since 2016, and the conclusions go away.

Removing Biden at this point only creates doubt in the entire Democratic Party, which will cost a lot more than keeping him in.

While I agree that evil often wins, that evil usually starts as “lawful evil” or minimally does a better job of pretending not to be.

Trump is neither of these things.

In addition, there will be people coming out or crossing the isle purely due to roe v wade.

Fight is far from over.

Mine is called MowMow, like Momo from the avatar series.

The targets were not impossible, they were just sold as such to the investors. The board was in on it. That’s why the courts ruled against the contract. It’s dead. He is entitled to nothing. In a more just society the board would have been hit with criminal charges.

He is now just threatening to leave unless he gets what he wants. That just happens to align with what the canceled contract laid out.

If the shareholders vote Yes, my bet is he will be back in another few years doing the same thing.

Nothing happens across the board… Their outlook is going to be highly dependent on where that person was raised. The generation of people currently protesting in the US have the least connection with religion of any generation. They are by far more tolerant. They are also the most likely to subject to influence operations. There is a reason congress is trying to shutdown TikTok.

We are seeing the radicalization of our young people in real time…and it’s being done by nation states that only care about the current situation in so far as they can take advantage of it to make us a less-united states.

Calling someone an anti-<insert thing here> only helps to isolate those who are not…because, at least in my experience those people are proudly anti whatever you are accusing them of…

That indicates they are taking a building. That is much different than occupying it. There is a fine line here. This is not where the protestors took control of a police station and drove people out.

They are exercising their right to free speech in government buildings, and their presence is disruptive. This is the point of the first amendment. The government can’t stop them from from doing it. While there will always be a subset of the population that will take it too far, you can’t let the few ruin it for everyone. It’s far more tame than what the founding fathers had in mind anyway…

That’s what protesting is…these are state building and tax payers have the right to protest in and around them. This is the reason protesting is effective…I mean, imagine if they were removed because they were too loud.

The article said they arrested 9 of them for prohibited items…the items were chairs. If 9 people can shut down the campus by sitting in chairs…seriously?

It is basic supply and demand economics. If you remove supply and demand stays the same or increases the cost of the asset should increase.

It’s not to say removing the landlords would immediately fix the other issues, but it’s one.

A country can be both a constitutional republic and a democracy. Your statements are indicating it is one and not both.

You will find the US listed and referenced as a representative democracy: Representative Democracy

You will also find references to certain jurisdictions within the US as direct democracy’s.

Direct Democracy

We have both, and are still a constitutional republic.

I would also love to see some references to where democracies dissolve quickly…

I said your response is common Russian misinformation. Your statements about how democracy dissolves quickly as well as stating the US is not a democracy are both purposely misleading.

The US is a Constitutional Republic whose constitution setup representative democracy. Most forms of democracy are representative democracies. Your response is common Russian misinformation…

In college I had test anxiety and 3 times I was awake for 5 days straight…studying. I did 3 days at a time so many times I don’t know the count. I have adhd and was medicated, however I was worried about the meds and my heart and I usually stop taking them after the first 2 days (normal dosages…not taking them to stay up).

3 days was easy…5 days I DO NOT RECOMMEND.

Needless to say, I did not pass the tests. I finally would start to feel sleepy about the time the test would start because the finish line was in sight.

Also, state dependent memory is a thing.

I see my 25 year old self making these comments only under one scenario: Have you been suggesting in any way you don’t feel you are attractive? Have you been expressing poor self esteem?

If so, could this be perhaps a misguided attempt to make you feel wanted/sexy/etc?

I normally don’t comment…but: There are a lot of reasons why this could occur that are not where your mind is jumping.

I work in cyber security and I have friends and family ask me something like this every other month. Two biggest: Someone was using his phone. Anywhere from his friends/coworkers having some fun with him to some youths you might know doing what they do.

Second, and this happens a lot: Ask him if the password he used is something he uses elsewhere. If so, his password was likely compromised sometime ago. Bad guys sell email addresses and passwords, and other bad guys buy them and spam common sites to see if they can get in. In this case the things he is following and that are also following him follow a common pattern. It’s called farming, and it’s big business.

You can get a list of KNOWN compromises of his accounts by using (It’s free, you can read how and why it’s funded on the site).

Just to be clear, only publicly known breaches are on that site and he could still have a compromised account.

Advise I have to the last person who came to me with a similar no porn policy:

I would personally just go to him and tell him you think his password was hacked. That you were looking at his socials as you do, and saw he was being followed by porn bots and his account was following in return. Indicate you never thought in a moment he would do that.

This is a win/win. If he did follow these accounts he now likely feels bad for violating your trust in a whole new way. If he didn’t, you showed trust and tipped him off to his accounts being hacked.

Seriously, google “password manager” and have a unique password for all of your sites.

They can’t stop you from establishing your own wireless network in your apartment, they just don’t want you to connect it to their network. Does the lease have some kind of punishment for violating this particular rule?

If not, I would change the MAC address on your routers internet port to something from apple… Change the name of the wireless network to a printer like you suggested and then hide the network.

If they say something, tell them you have a cellular hotspot.

This is not normal. Sounds like you are being taken advantage of. They are using your hardware and utilities to offer services to others. Even if the utilities were negligible, you are putting wear on your washing machine and dryer that would otherwise let it last longer.

It’s impossible to determine what portion of your utility bill is from your usage of the washer and dryer and that of others. But the wastewater and electric charges are likely going to be the two that are getting you.

Inovelli Blue with Zigbee bulbs. I pair both the bulbs and the switch to HA, then I use the HA interface to bind the switch to the bulbs.

He is not popular. He lost the 2020 election by a large number. A vocal minority voted for him because they drank the MAGA coolaide. The others voted for him because he was their parties incumbent.

He seems to be doing well right now because of how polls are done. They call random people. I’m not sure how it is in Europe, but here the only people who pickup random phone calls are the elderly. These are his people, and it makes it look like he is more popular than he is. Look at the polling since 2016, it has been off and this is why. Same reason he seemed to come out of nowhere in 2016…the younger generation was sick of the politician class and gave a fuck you vote.

The same polling made it look good for the republicans last week. They just had their asses and values handed to them in the elections yesterday.

The unfortunate thing for the GOP is that the current polling drives who becomes the party nominee. This is likely going to lead tot heir downfall. I predict the fall of the GOP witching 5 years or they do something drastic and we live in Gilead.

I provided you a link to the law. It had three conditions under which an officer could be dismissed. The last being “in time of war, by order of the President.” 1. The law did not exist when Lincoln was president. 2. FDR exercised this power most certainly in a time of war. 3. Obama and Truman might have broken the law, but that’s up to a legal interpretation of “time of war” as in both instances the generals in question were overseeing actual US military deployments engaged in combat.

Commander and Chief means the president is ultimately the head of us armed forces.

The president has limitations just like the military as limitations.

By your logic the president could: 1. Dismiss the entire us military leaving the US without any defenses. 2. Decide not to engage in war that was declared by congress. 3. Use the military as a palace guard to ensure they keep power.

The president is not a god, a king, or anything of the like. Even pretending is dangerous.

You assume the military doesn’t have their own opinion. What stops the fired generals from just showing up to work the next day? Who is going to stop them? There is a reason this entire scenario is handled with kid gloves. Society is highly dependent on trust. Trump maybe re-elected, but his actions might give us a coup…

You are making a false equivalency between blue states and large cities like NYC. I live in a red state and have spent lots of time in blue states. In the south you don’t really see antisemitism…you see bigotry. They won’t give a crap about anything but you being different.

Sure, they support Israel…but that’s just because Israel has to exist for the coming of the “end times” they keep telling everyone is coming.

Better to be see the knife coming as it were…