They're supposed to have the lights dimmed, the overhead music off, TVs in electronics off, etc.

If my store actually DID IT, it would be phenomenal. But just last week, I dragged my sorry ass out of bed early enough to go there specifically during those was no different than normal. 😔

German vinyl tends to have the orange tone. Chinese vinyl is usually pretty pale.

Thank you! Me either! LOL

I appreciate it so much. That baby is everything to me. I will definitely keep the group posted. 😁

We are making a big bowl of that salad as well as some pasta salad today, mostly with dumpster finds! They'll be for our July 4th dinner tomorrow. 😍

This is the longest I've ever had a baby in transit. Usually it's only a couple days, but he's going from SC to Oregon, so it'll be like 9 days.

I appreciate it. I need my boy to be safe. Lol 🥰


Lots of baby clothes, all genders, all sizes, all in excellent condition!! Stuff a grocery store bag for $10!! (We'll have some bags available, but you can bring your own as well.)

Baby furniture! 4Moms Rockaroo, mamas and papas pram stroller, walker, etc!

10am until we put a dent in all this stuff. LOL

Come check it out!

112 Williams Street

Can take cash, CASHAPP or PayPal!!!

Kaiden is off... Other

Just got home from shipping my sweet boy off to his artist.

He won't arrive there until the 12th, and I am a nervous wreck.

If any of y'all are the praying kind, could you please say a prayer that he arrives to his artist safely and smoothly?

This next week is going to be hell for me. 😭😭

Some air dry paints will discolor with heat from the oven. I know for sure that waterborne flesh tones go yellowish from it, but not totally sure about any others.

You are 100% correct. A family friend of mine was drunk, fell, and pulled a deep fryer down on himself, while it was on and set to 400°.

He laughed it off, stood up, and said "Guess I need to go home and jump in the shower." My dad (this happened at my parents' house) thought the deep fryer must have malfunctioned and wasn't hot.

The guy's wife was freaking out, and after he (at his insistence) got a shower, she forced him to go to the ER.

Within minutes of getting into the ER, he coded. Turns out, he had swallowed and inhaled some of the oil and his throat and airway closed up.

He had 3rd degree burns over most of his upper body. He lived for two weeks in the Lehigh Valley Burn Center...

My Apollo.

I got him when I was in my 20s, and my BPD was at its absolute worst. I wasn't diagnosed yet, but I knew I had it (I'm diagnosed now, I was right).

He was a rescue. A pit mix who was about an hour from being euthanized solely because of his breed. He was 10 months old at the time, had been through obedience training, loved everyone and every other animal he ever met.

Many, many times over the years, that dog was the ONLY reason I stayed earthside.

I lost him in December. He was 16 years old, he had aggressive cancer. He had lost his vision, and his hearing was going. Then, he lost control of his bowels and bladder, and then the use of his back legs.

I knew it was time. I knew he was tired, and ready to rest. But letting him go, making that decision, was far and away the most difficult thing I have ever had to do in my 41 years of life. (And I had to decide to pull the plug on a loved one just a few months prior...Apollo was harder)

It's been 6 months. I'm still struggling. I can't even look at another dog. I don't WANT another dog. I want Apollo back. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Oh, most of that is going to Once Upon a Child, honestly. Trying to take pics of everything and post would be hell, considering how much there is. Not to mention that with the cost of shipping it wouldn't even be worth the time and effort. LOL I literally have two totes full already and I've still got more to go through. 🤦🏻‍♀️

She's a precious girl.

Since I've gotten Kaiden though, I haven't had any bond with my vinyl babies at all, unfortunately. I'm actually getting rid of a TON of baby clothes, several bouncers, a pram, etc. LOL

Oh yeah, she's very open about it on FB. There are a lot of artists who won't touch her kits because of it.

I even nabbed a box of popsicles last night that were still frozen solid when I got them home, if that tells you anything.

If he got there just shortly after it was tossed it would still be cold/frozen. Even here in SC. We hit our Aldi 15-20 minutes after closing for exactly this reason. We get produce that's still fresh, and meat that is still cold or frozen.

Definitely Aldi, that's their brand of bacon.

OP would have to answer that. All he said in the post was that their freezer went out.

Why on earth would a store thaw and refreeze stuff??? The freezer busted and they threw the stuff out (as OP said).

I was wondering as well... though the scam ones usually are much smaller than the authentic sculpt when it's a bigger baby (I've seen scam Maddie Browns that wear newborn size, and scam Liam Browns listed as 3m size. 🤦🏻‍♀️)

It makes me happy to see Bonnie Sieben sculpts painted in AA tones. (Bonnie Sieben is very notoriously racist, so I feel like it's a way to give her the finger, as it were. LOL)

Gorgeous baby. Here's my Yousef!
