Yes, most of the time. The issue is that no one is looking and these aren't like CP smuggling operations. These are minors that are in desperate situations turning to OF to get by, or they are individuals that are exploiting one or two girls that they are in contact with, or they are selling photos/videos of ex's.

These people can be easily caught, but it still requires resources to do it. These companies are just complacent and trying to save money by using AI tools, which aren't doing a good enough job.


This isn't a problem specific to OF, which is apparent in the article. Kids are getting exploited across ALL social media platforms.

What makes this particularly heinous is that A) OF's age verification is easily bypassed, big shock. B) It is very easy for the people exploiting minors to post the photos/videos of others on OF and profit EASILY.

It's a big problem when it's so easy to exploit children then collect, distribute and sell CP without ever leaving the few main social media platforms. It's accessible. Don't even need "the dark web" anymore.

Not all rich kids are like their parents. It's not unusual to come across these kids in gaming or in college or something. I've met my fair share of adults that have never had to worry about money, have never had jobs, and just spend all their time gaming.

Yeah there is A LOT of tension in this clip. It's the type of clip that resurfaces in 3 months with people saying "how can anyone be surprised?"

Damn. Actual denial. Let us know when your conversations with your nephew are inappropriate enough for you to lose your job over it. Banned from Twitch, fired from his own company, admitting to inappropriate conversations with a minor. If you can't connect the dots, it's because the alcoholism is blinding you.

Were there twitch whisper messages with an individual minor back in 2017? The answer is yes. Were there real intentions behind these messages, the answer is absolutely not. These were casual, mutual conversations that sometimes leaned too much in the direction of being inappropriate, but nothing more. Nothing illegal happened, no pictures were shared, no crimes were committed, I never even met the individual.

I'm no fucking predator or pedophile. Are you kidding me? Anyone that truely knows me fucking knows where I stand on those things with those types of people. Fuck that. That's a different level of disgust that I fucking hate even hearing about. Don't be labeling me as the worst of the worst with your exaggerations. Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

Feels like some nice omission of details. You can't share photos on Twitch whispers. You can share links to photos though easily enough. Not saying that's what happened, but saying no photos were shared is wordplay. Never even met the individual doesn't mean you weren't PLANNING on meeting with the individual. More wordplay.

Fact is, he was by his own admission messaging a minor and having an inappropriate conversation. Inappropriate ENOUGH to leading to his Twitch ban, being fired from his own company, losing partner with Discord, losing his sponsorships. He's trying to downplay it but every professional organization has noped out of there QUICK after investigating.

Enunciate sure, but do you change to their accent?

Principles don't pay no bills.

Part of me also wonders if streamers were more open to moving to Kick after seeing what happened with Mixer and Shroud's deal. Shroud moved to Mixer, got a huge bag, Mixer died, Shroud got paid out and came back to Twitch. Might figure there's less risk in taking a ridiculous offer and getting paid if they can just go right back to Twitch if Kick dies.

I would hope that Penn State grad students are smart enough to realize taking a day off isn't going to disrupt anything at Penn State in the summer.

It is quite easy to ignore a one day strike. You'll be back to work the next day.

You should see some of the names these zoomers have now. Saiyler is not any worse.

I had the pleasure of coming across a young woman named "Queenette" recently. At least Saiyler's name isn't a gender-identifying noun with a gender-identifying suffix, just in case.

Your honor, this man can't be crazy, he speaks like 3 languages!

Epic also doesn't have a chat function. You can add friends.....can't send them messages.

Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself that your joke was funny.

Worst case, you're getting leftover crumbs at the buffet to put together a crappy meal. 8am's, seemingly random courses, annoying gaps in courses during the day. It's not really a big deal, but you can't really expect to get all (or any) of the courses you want.

Why not? He won in 2016 and there have been zero consequences for the previous collusion and quid pro quos. Oh no, he was impeached twice........which in the grand scheme of things means absolutely nothing.

If he truly believes winning the Presidency is the only thing to keep him out of jail, he'll be pulling ALL the stops to win. I'm fully expecting key counties to show up with 3 times the votes as population, no one bothering to investigate and do anything about it until late 2025, and then collectively shrugging afterwards since he's already in the White House.

Other people haven't mentioned that music evolves and changes according to trends and tastes, so "popular" artists or entire genres you traditionally enjoyed might steer in a direction you're not a fan of.

It also gets more difficult to seek out artists that DO have the sound that you would like because where are you going to find them? They grew up in the era of radio or local concerts to see new groups, but this isn't the best way to seek out new artists anymore. They just don't know where/how to look, so they settle with what they know.

Ah yes, the power of having your original point completely ignored because everyone is laughing at you.


He's CEO BECAUSE he will focus only on the stock to earn the most money for the shareholders; brand be damned. If the brand dies, all the termites just move to another ship that's still floating. This is the price of continuous growth.