Your statement is false. Oman had Tanzania for ports and did not need Somalia's. The Halwa is because of the Reer Xamar people, ethnic Somalis never culturally used to make it.

Woqooyi was inhabited by a wide variety of clans, my clan, did in fact wear Guntiino, stop generalizing and learn more about Somali history 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

Our parents often came together and didn’t have to sponsor someone, how can a woman be sure a guy from Somalia won’t take advantage of her for the a passport and then leave her once he comes to the west? Your responses seem driven by emotion and not logic

I love how they completely disregard ethnicity, people don’t go to countries because of the religion they belong to, rather it’s because of their ethnic and cultural ties to the land.

Okay thanks for your apology.

Initially I was just clarifying the Somali people did in fact have an ancient script. You mentioned visiting European museums, but European history doesn’t mirror the history of everyone else. Peasantry and the aristocracy was common place in Europe during the medieval era and so the average person suffered and did live in terrible conditions. Such rigid class structures didn’t exist in Somalia centuries ago. People lived in their clan territory, had a local structure of Garaads being the leader of the sub sub clan and handling disputes and affairs, and while droughts and natural disasters did occur (much like anywhere else) people didn’t live in particularly bad conditions. They were nomads who moved around and used their landscape and nature to their advantage, tended to their livestock as a source of livelihood and didn’t own their labour to anyone and those of the educated classes didn’t subjugate them the same way those of Europe did.

Prior to the civil war, our country was doing well in the post colonial era, the leader Siad Barre launched a literacy campaign in which the literacy rate was taken from very low numbers to 95% in a few years. Key industries were nationalised and people were becoming educated and the country improving. Things would have only gotten better from there, but it came to a halt when the civil war broke out, which the effects of are still felt to this day. I don’t think people should throw their history, whether recent or ancient, out of the window because of some struggles they currently face. History is often a point of pride for countries, and with Somalia having one of the worst reputations of any country in the world, the revival of cultural pride and being aware of one’s history provides a sense of hope in the future and a sense of self worth.

I don’t believe that Somalis are not original inhabitants or indigenous to our land, I’ve never heard of such a claim besides by SOME fascist race obsessed Bantu Africans. Somalis are one do the oldest ethnic groups and have lived in the Horn of Africa for thousands of years.

Your initial point was Somalis didn’t have a script in the past and my response was mentioning the existence of the Sumado script, I didn’t say that it was used today. Majority of the world today uses the Latin script.

When have you seen Somali people “Openly” calling anyone Jareer?? Online trolls do not represent the Somali populace, stop generalising and lying about millions of Somali people who are too worried about their own daily lives to be “racist”.

Kulaha online, 😂 I think we should all be aware that the online world doesn’t reflect reality, we don’t even have proof those people are Somali. You know what Jareer means, and so do other foreigners, who’s to say it’s only Somalis saying that but I digress

Somali people did not use the Arabic script before Islam, I mentioned that we’ve used the Sumado script which is distinct from Arabic. This isn’t about supremacy, it’s about history.

Somali people are not racist to other Africans, stop generalising 20 million plus people weirdo

Maybe you struggle with reading comprehension?

I don’t know a single Somali person who says they’re Arab, I have a family of over 200 people and none of them claim Arab, come up with a better accusation. We proudly claim being Somali, why’s that such an issue for you?

I’ve seen Ethiopians claim they aren’t Barya (which is an anti black term against black africans literally meaning Slave in Amharic) and saying those words towards other Black Africans all while claiming to be Semites and somehow “better” than the rest of africans, even bragging about how they enslaved the Cushitic Oromos for thousands of years.

“Ethiopia” is a land of many peoples, Somali people literally live in “Ethiopia” and are indigenous to the entirety of the eastern part, the whole country is a colonial creation, and to be precise humanity originated in the Afar region of “Ethiopia”, the Afar are a Cushitic people closely related to Somalis.

No one comes from you, you’re not even the original humans.

Jareer isn’t a racist term and just because it’s used negatively by online trolls doesn’t change its meaning. Your random emotions aren’t facts.

What’s racist about it since you’re mr.know it all? I’m telling you the word and it’s usage yet you falsely insist that it’s “racist” when it’s used to describe the Bantu minority in Somalia and also means kinky hair. My mother used to call my 3c hair “Jareer” as a child, I must have been a victim of racism from my own mother then… plus how can Africans be racist to each other?

Don’t speak for Somalis, you are not a Somali person and don’t have the right to claim that Somalis don’t see themselves as African when Somalia and Somalis have done more for other Africans (when we had a proper govt) than any country in Africa did. Humanity originated in east Africa, we are the original Africans/humans, you come from us, so don’t act as though you’re the gate keeper and get to decide who’s African.

my genes aka beauty (not to brag)

How does that correlate with Somalis supposedly not claiming Africa? People call “west Africans” jareers because that’s the word that Bantu people in Somalia call themselves, and since the two look alike, it makes sense