As with a lot of “meta problems” within groups, I think the biggest thing is just for evil to take advantage of this. If all you have to say is “For science!” without any additional info - great, evil can get basically two demon kills a day. Minion nominates someone, claims it’s for science so the town goes through with it, and then the demon kills someone at night. Once players start taking advantage of that as evil, town should be quick to start demanding more than “science” as an explanation so evil doesn’t just kill them all. Explanation of what the science is, corroboration from a number of other people, etc.

I just want to say that I absolutely loved the Leech/Assassin/Poppygrower game, and the ending to that video is one of my all time favorites.

It said “attempted shooting,” so I assumed no one would actually get shot, but my stomach was genuinely churning the entire video. All I could think of was how many times I’ve walked into a public restroom, and what would have happened if someone had walked in while he was in there.

I LOVED this episode! Really interesting twist on the RPG format by not having each person play a specific character, but rather speak for any character they’d like on their turn. Super fun way to collaborate on a shared story.

Also have to say I very much enjoyed the shorter length. I recognize it’s a hard balance to find, and “Part 2” videos NEVER perform as well on YouTube, but it can be a daunting task finding time to sit down to watch a near four hour video of a play trough. If they aren’t split up by design, we typically try to watch them in one sitting. To best utilize the dreaded YouTube algorithm, I don’t think Chaotic Neutral should necessarily split up their longer videos, but I really appreciate the occasional shorter one like this.

Agreed on that last bit! I don’t use TikTok, so I’ve never heard the clip before. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised either way if she heard it and knew or not.

Genuine props to you for the reflection and reassessment in the midst of conversation!

I can’t speak to anyone else’s response nor what the response would be had it been a less-liked wrestler. I also said in my initial comment to you that there’s nothing to suggest it’s likely she shared it without listening. Similarly, I’m also not making any argument that it’s wise to share something on social media in her position without vetting it and listening to it. I’m simply saying there’s equally nothing to suggest that there’s no way she reposted it without listening to the audio.

Without the audio, it’s an essentially a gif of her striking people she’s aligned against. It makes sense for her to share.

Speaking from my own experience, a similar experience shared by many others, I scroll social media without sound. When I did finally listen to the audio on that clip, it took me a few listens to fully understand what it was saying. The only part I could clearly make out at first was “bitch.” It’s not mental gymnastics to assume the person who shared this could have had the same or similar experience that I did.

To me, what is mental gymnastics is anyone on either end of this saying “It’s impossible for her to have not known” or “It’s incredibly unlikely that she did know.” We have no evidence to suggest either reality. The only thing we know is she shared it and then deleted it.

Regarding your second point - I often browse social media without any sound. I have likely shared a bunch of clips without ever hearing the sound just based on the visual. I can absolutely see a world wherein she saw what would essentially amount to a gif of her striking her opponent and shared it.

Moving on to if she did hear it - the actual sound itself is fairly distorted. At first listen I didn’t make out what was controversial about it as the only thing I could understand was “bitch,” which would hardly be worth second guessing to post.

Is it “likely” she shared it without listening to it or recognizing what it said? I don’t know if we have any evidence to point to it being “likely,” but we also don’t have any evidence to point to there being “no way she reposted that video without hearing the audio.”

My absolute favorite lunatic game doesn’t even involve the lunatic.

In “The Unbearable Madness of Being” (on YouTube, not patreon), Jon is the demon and is convinced through a good player lying on the first day that he must be the lunatic. He then outs all of that to town on, I think, the first day. I was in tears laughing by the end of the video.

I don’t think I’ve seen a play through yet where an actual lunatic made it to the end believing they were the demon.

Interestingly, Ben Burns told a story at a Clocktower Con panel explaining an interesting evolution to the game and why the lunatic may not work as well as it was initially meant to! Apparently when the game was in its infancy, you weren’t really meant to get up and walk around. You could have private chats with the people around you, I think he said you could walk across the circle and talk to someone, but you were really meant to kind of stay where you are. Then Ben was hosting a game in an environment that didn’t really have room for that. He said it was a very veritable space with lots of stairs and balconies, and he basically said that they could go talk in these different areas. From there people started imitating that, and the game evolved to what it is now (the question he was answering, I believe, was asking how he may have shaped the game as a prominent storyteller in ways that people have since copied).

If you think about the lunatic in the original context (this was the specific example he gave), it functions differently than how it does now. You can’t really go have private chats with your minions and try to sus out if you’re the lunatic unless you happened to be sat right next to them. You’re left much more in the position of just having to trust your information and piece it together if/when the deaths in the night don’t line up. With the advent of walking around and having private conversations, or going into private rooms in online games, it’s a lot easier to figure out you’re the lunatic when your minions are suddenly cagey with you and things aren’t lining up properly.

I was just thinking about this the other day. I really miss the Sullivan/Adam dynamic, particularly the Sullivan/Adam/Teri dynamic on House Rules.

I think they’ve done a fantastic job of expanding House Rules to include more players as well as taking “bad” classic games and making them more fun/playable such as Cluedo and Risk. At the same time, I also miss the utter stupidity of Snakes and Ladders, But Only Snakes and Chess, But Horses Only. And who could forget Candyland, But Somehow Worse.

Kofi Kingston was so mad that The Undertaker married Kofi’s ex that he hit Trouble in Paradise on Michelle’s pregnant belly, caused a miscarriage, then cooked and fed them the baby AT THE FUNERAL. Thank god Taker challenged Kofi to a match at Mania after that.

More than just destroyed his push - if it’s the incident I’m thinking about he got Kennedy released the very next day.

Thank you! I am devastated! How visible were they to the naked eye, and how long did they last for if you don’t mind my asking? Also - hello from building three!

Noooooooooo, what time was this??? We tried staying up but fell asleep around 10:30 or so and hadn’t seen anything yet

I fully thought you meant your boyfriend consistently waits to call you until he’s taking a shit

Gotcha - that makes sense! I think he posted it on his own Twitter, so I can see how that gets linked to a search of his name. Thanks for correcting that!

Yo, can you link the Dave Scherer mugshot? I’m not sure it exists; I just did a search for “Dave Scherer mugshot,” and I’m coming up empty


Is it an excellent match? Yeah, absolutely. Anyone trying to say otherwise is fooling themselves. But executing a good match is only part of what makes professional wrestling, and in all my years of watching I’ve seen enough excellent matches to last me a lifetime.

I want the emotional resonance of a Shawn/Flair match, the drama of a Bret/Austin, the beloved hero and the dastardly villain of Page/Omega or Cody/Roman.

I don’t need anymore matches that are just there to put two great wrestlers together to do great ringwork. I don’t care if I never see another five star match again as long as I’m invested in the story behind the match I’m watching.

On the Grimoire stream with the Banshee, Steve asked Ben about this very thing! Ben mentioned that each official script is meant to have a theme to it. Trouble Brewing is your tradition old fashioned town and Bad Moon Rising has steampunk vibes, for example. He mentioned we’ll see new themes on the upcoming official scripts like Garden of Sin and The Tomb, and specifically mentioned that something like a Banshee would be right at home in the theme for Tomb!

You are a valued member of our team, just not literally valuable. We meant it in a more metaphorical sense. We are like a family, after all.

Exactly right. This is a concept video game developers will often talk about. If an item says it has a 50% chance of harming a player, developers will often code it to have a percentage chance LESS THAN 50%, because players will often report that a true 50% chance FEELS like it harms them more than half the time. The opposite will often be true for good things. If an item has a 10% chance of working successfully, it will often be coded to work with a percentage GREATER THAN 10% because that’s what will actually FEEL like 10% to the player base.

In this scenario, whether anyone has specifically said they are going to air CM Punk fighting Jungle Boy backstage doesn’t actually matter. They have left their audience FEELING like that’s what’s been said. And continuing to say “this is legit” and “we’re not trolling” is only increasing that feeling.

EDIT: Removed my personal feelings on this as a promotional tactic. I don’t need to get into that debate.

Of all things, it reminded me of the gas station “flip the coin” scene in No Country For Old Men. It was purely unsettling. Discomforting. Something where you know something deeply wrong is just under the surface, but you can’t quite name it. I thought it was incredible.

Some of y’all really need to learn what “REALISTICALLY” means, goddamn