I used to work at BNHP and as soon as they merged with Live Nation, I had no interest in working there again. I liked my job because I got to hear the music and I love concerts, but once LN got involved it no longer became the “small, locally-owned nice venue” it prided itself on being. It’s changed a LOT since then.

Also, I can’t blame some of the employees for being shitty because they don’t get paid well. I worked there 2017/2018 and I made $9/hour. Didn’t even break a thousand each season. I obviously didn’t do it for the money (it got me the experience so I could start doing contracting gigs), but it amazed me how little we were getting paid at a venue that clearly makes a good profit. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Schools in NH are required by law to conduct 10 fire drills every year, however, 4 of those drills must be emergency, all-hazard response drills with one being a response to an armed assailant. The schools can choose which hazards they want to respond to in their emergency plans, so some schools might practice a tornado drill and others may not. I think tornadoes and earthquakes usually have the same drill practice - drop, cover and hold on. That’s the typical wording schools use to reference one of those response actions. There’s also other drills they can do like reverse evacuation, shelter in place (this is usually for hazmat situations), or just general lockdowns. But yeah, it totally depends on what the school decides to practice.

Law is NH RSA 189:64 (I used to work in school safety).

His family owned a giant Christmas tree farm so I’m assuming he will eventually be found somewhere on the land. He apparently was suffering from dementia and probably wandered off, but the real problem I have with this is that his family last heard from him in October but his wife didn’t report him missing until February/March. The real kicker? His wife has been the town welfare officer for YEARS (decades I think) and I think she stepped down when he was reported missing.

Anyways, I’m stirring the pot, but I think the whole thing is suspicious and not just because I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts 😂

I know this is probably sarcasm, but reading my response again does tell me it could go either way 😂 but yes I’m talking about the bear. Nobody has seen the old guy in months

lol this is Epsom! He’s also been spotted in Chichester, supposedly F&G was called and they believe it’s a birth defect and NOT an injury.

There’s currently a bear that’s missing his front right paw roaming around town, so every time someone sees him they post about it. Somehow he gets from one side of town to the other in a day even with only three working paws.

Oh, and an older guy who used to be head of the select board and was super involved with the town was reported missing in March but apparently hasn’t been seen since October, so people think there’s something sketchy about it and there’s a new post every week asking where he is. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Not sure where you live but I know the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is always hiring, they have engineering, maintenance and other machinery jobs. And it’s federal so you’ll get good benefits.

Yikes, I’m sorry ☹️ what field are you in? I just switched from state government to federal. I’d be happy to help!

Didn’t move out of my parents’ house until last month, and I’m 28. I feel your pain- but it’s also not just housing being expensive. Pay is low (especially in NH) and that was my main factor in not being able to move out. I got a new job in February, doubling my income which gave me the ability to move out. Of course, my rent for a 1bd in Bedford is $1990 not including utilities… but I have tons of things that came with the apartment and I cut my commute by 40 minutes.

Obviously I don’t know what your income is or what you do for work, but my best advice as someone who was finally able to move out is to look for ways to increase your income. I’m not saying to break your body by working more or doing side gigs, but to see how can you advance. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to move out but it finally happened, so don’t give up!

I grew up in the town over from Bear Brook, where the two barrels were found in 1985 and 2000. I’m sure everyone is pretty familiar with this case since 3 of the victims were finally identified a few years ago and it turned out that we had a serial killer (Terry Rasmussen) in the area.

I had no idea about this case until like.. 2013 or so, when I saw a news story about it. During my childhood, I went to Bear Brook State Park all the time to swim or practice archery or go for short hikes. As a kid, I would always ask to drive home the “Bear Brook way” because of the road that went through the area. I was only 4 in 2000 so of course I had never known about it. This is pretty much the case that got me interested in true crime, because I was so fascinated by the fact that there was this quadruple homicide in my area that was unsolved. I’ve read everything about it and I was SO relieved when they announced new information. I’m still hoping that they’ll finally identify the little girl.

As a side note, I previously worked for NH Dept of Safety and I was talking to a state trooper who told me about the evidence warehouse, and that the barrels are still there. I was really hoping I’d have an in to go see the warehouse, but no such luck (probably a good thing LOL).

With that attitude, I bet most servers will be happy seeing you proclaim you’re “done eating out.”

I am not - again, totally depends on what agency you’re working for and what you’re doing. Some DOIT jobs are for you to work with a specific agency and they may not allow telework. Jobs with the state are so broad that pretty much nothing is the same across agencies. Say You work for DOT and then go over to Employment Security - their policies probably aren’t similar.

Just left DOS - it’s pretty agency specific and obviously depends on what your job entails. Our policy was that we could work from home 2 days a week after 6 months. The 6 months might have been more division specific but I can’t remember. For some reason, the state likes to keep that information on the DL and that’s probably why you can’t find anything on it 😂

There was another accident on 93 in New Hampton around 5pm with 5 transports. Can’t remember if it was north or south but there were multiple accidents today on this stretch unfortunately 🙄

White Mountain Cafe in Gorham on Main St is delicious. A little pricy, but their sandwiches are really good. Wicked Fresh Burgers in North Conway is good. There’s a breakfast place in Jackson called Yesterday’s - I was up there in the summer of 2020 and they were so pleased that we chose them instead of the tourist places (and they were wicked good).

Lol not a yard sale. Just drive on by and ignore him. People post in the Epsom page all the time about him but it’s literally just what he does.

I get heartburn from most types of alcohol, so I have a limited amount of things I can drink. I also tend to dissociate when I drink and I don’t feel like I’m in my body, so I hate not having control. And I also just hate dealing with drunk people and what happens when drinking is involved. I drank a bit in college and now the “fun” of drinking just isn’t appealing to me.

Also, I’m already fun when I’m sober. Why would I need to drink alcohol when I’m having a good time with a soda?

I can’t STAND how much they exploit disabled people. Like when they make that Jimmy Luv guy do all these things for views, even when you can clearly see that he’s uncomfortable. You can do good in the world without posting it on the internet or using people who may be unaware of how consent works.

I also got a huge ick when Justin posted once about how his young daughter wanted Jimmy to sleep in her bedroom and he thought it was funny, and then deleted the post and clarified “he would never do anything.” It doesn’t matter if he’s disabled or not, he’s 30+ years old and shouldn’t be sharing a room with a 5 year old he ISN’T RELATED TO.

I work in emergency management and we usually see flooding/severe storms happen, primarily in the summertime on the western side of NH. Snowstorms obviously happen and there can be a few bad ones every season, but definitely watch out for ice storms.

As for preparation, I highly encourage you checking out readynh.gov - they have a bunch of tips there on how to prepare for emergencies specific to NH.

I have to echo everyone’s support for La Carreta and El Rodeo, but I’m also a big fan of Casamigos in Tilton and Concord. My coworkers and I order lunch from there often and it’s always delicious and relatively inexpensive!

Okay well 1) this is ridiculous, 2) Winnipesaukee is already crowded AF during the summer by tourists who don’t know how to drive a boat, and 3) the lake is not that big. Yes, it may be the biggest lake in the state, but it’s nothing compared to other lakes in the country. Even Lake Michigan has a max speed of 55 MPH. As someone who grew up on Winnipesaukee, I don’t see this changing. I recently got my boating license and even going 30 MPH felt fast on the lake. 65 MPH is dangerous and I doubt it’ll pass.

I applied to probably 1000 jobs before getting one with the state and then got my masters degree, so I stayed while I was in school. I want to find a better job but it’s still not easy!

I’m not sure honestly. Maybe because it’s the best they thought they could get? I’m sure if I looked into it I could see what they requested initially, but I don’t know why they settled with 1.16% lol

I’m a state employee and both my parents are state employees. I am hoping so much that the 10% raise happens because we are not paid enough for the amount of work we do. Many people keep leaving because they’re finding whatever else pays more. Yes, we do have great benefits, but at what cost?

Our raises for the past two years were 1.16%. That’s insulting. I can’t stand how Sununu was praising the raise when it gave me a total of $0.24 extra per hour. If the 10% happens I’ll get an extra $2, but it’s still not enough for me to move out 🙄

If you can’t find anything on the DOT website, try checking in with the NH State Library. I believe they also work with genealogy related things so you may be able to get some info there! The library has lots of history for the state. Good luck!