Legalising them would generate such massive levels of capital outflow that BD would be bankrupt on day 1. Whatever you gain or lose, the accounts have be settled in USD (not to you as an individual trader, but to the broker and most likely with a local bank). We don't exactly have the highest reserve right now.

And then, there are scam artists. You should never take financial advice from them, unless they are certified to do so. Retail traders are the prey in these part of the world, and the trader bros are the predator.

Billion Dollar Scam, 90% derivative traders lose

PS: I trade options (long-term mostly) legally as I do not live in BD. I have very strong backgrounds in finance & econometrics and I cannot teach you anything because I am not qualified to provide such advices. If you trade, that is good for you, but don't spread fake stuff.

Most places in midwest are affordable. If you want affordability+more poeple like you, your best bet (apart from big cities & coastal areas) is Dearborn, Michigan. And Overland Park, Kansas is my personal favorite (one of the most livable suburb in US).

Texas and Florida has warm climate. Wisconsin is wonderful. Cali and NY are expensive. Don't like Tenesee, Lousiana, Alabama because they rank worst in every possible way. Colorado and Wyoming are too beautiful and have too many mountains, Nebraksa, Iwoa, Dakotas are sparsely populated and not many migrants.

Men here. I apologise in advance if you find my points offensive.

1) As already mentioned here, men are happy with sucessful women as long as they do not exceed them. Especially if it not a long-term love marriage and just about semi-arranged settling down. Highly successful & educated men do not want you. Because they already have so much that you do not add any value to their life.

Most sane men marry along and downwards in the social status. Biologically successful men are secure so they don't need to taken care after. They just be happy with someone that can be easily manipulated/manageable. Marrying downwards almost guarantees a happy marital life. This applies to every society on earth, not just Bangladesh.

2) Best case scenario, it is a very long-term relationship and you have known each other since childhood. Men will support their women to achieve highest possible standards, even if the women exceeds him by far. Their relationship dynamics makes it possible.

3) Not so nice case, men who wants to marry upwards to their social status, because they want to get married in to wealth. If your parents are rich and you are going to inherit a lot, sure, you will find who is ready to marry you.

So what is the solution for women, who are successful and ambitious like you? You have to tone down your expectations, if marriage is important to you. I know this is not the answer you are looking for and probably you have been told before that you should have a high standards..well, reality is different.

Best of luck.

  1. They are refugees. At least the people residing inside Geneva camp has refugee status.

  2. If you have the refugee status, you cannot get Bangladeshi citizenship. Your children can never get a good job or study in a decent school. What alternative you have to life rather than being a criminal?

  3. If you are a refugee, local laws don't exactly apply to you. It is the same situation as Rohingya refugees in Teknaf. It has much worse law & order situation than Mohammodpur.

  4. Want to fix this? Give them citizenship, demolish the camps. No there are no bihari refugees, there will be no camp. But govt likes to keep them so you will blame them for mugging your phone and police, local mp, chairman, sohomot bhais will take cut from it. Also you can use them do your dirty deeds that will land people to jail. Police cannot just arrest someone from Bihari camp, it takes special orders.

You are still very young. And your relatives are old, religious, conservative. There are a lot of things you do not understand now, but you will in the future.

Your generation is growing up watching pornification of music videos. The main thing in most of the videos is the sexual appeal of women. A lot of them is softcore pornography.

Human beings evolve very slowly. Being constantly exposed to sexual contents from a very early age ruins your mind. Your grandfather's generation never saw any clevage or knee of women before they got married. You on the other hand have already seen a lot, and will see a lot more before you turn 18. Our brains not exactly wired to take this pressure. Therefore, as grown ups, you will suffer from a lot more mental health problems, even worse, physical problems by the time you reach 35.

You wont understand all of it now, but you will one day.

You do not make a lot of money by driving uber in nyc or any big cities. You make some money, it is hard work and it will keep you solvent.

Being a social media influencer is a different thing. There is a cng driver in sylhet who makes daily vlogs. He makes money from content (I saw his vlogs and found it was not cringe).

Sohomot bhai & becoming a political leader in the future, defense officers, marrying defense officers, marrying BCS cadres, marrying londoni/umrikan citizens, owning trendy bookshop-cafes, becoming tiktok and social media influencers, etc.

You will be okay. You learned your lesson. Next time you will learn to value your job by becoming indifferent to company politics, or change profession/start something by yourself where you wont face such drama.

Next time, save & pinch every penny. Or blow it out on crypto like a moron (I mean who am I to give you suggestions, I trade options). Having a second source of income is crucial. It wont make you rich, but ride you out of hard times.

One of the downsides of being a talented and efficient skilled-professional in late stage capitalism is, you will have jobless stints. But you will be back on your feet again. You are only 32, not 52. For example I used all my savings for my parents who needed treatments. I don't have anything right now. But that is okay. Unless you inherited generational wealth, you are not likely to have a lot by yourself & for yourself now.

I also have firm faith that Allah provides Rizq, we can only try.

I have several certified and non-certified Muktijoddha in my family, including The great Khaled Musharrof (who is the brother of my my nanabhai) was a highly decorated officer of the Bengal regiment (for 1965 war). He (the sector commander) and his close comrades of the K force had access to around 20 something AKs, few SMGs, only a handful of british made mortars, few hundred mines & several crates of grenades when they started the rebelion on the night of 25 March. These are some of the heaviest equipment muktibahini had before the creation of Naval & Airforce later in the war. Remember Indian army could not provide us with heavy equipments because if they got captured in the battlefield, they would be strategic losses and Pak govt could make the case in the global stage/UN that India is fighting against them (same reason americans gave stolen russian guns to talibanis in the 80s.).

And in the documentary Khaled's war, in the interview with the British Journalist, Khaled Musharrof ensured he showed all of his best weapons to create an impression that Muktibahini was powerful (to uplift the spirits of million others). This makes our war efforts even more special because we pestered the Pak army for nine monthes till the first week of December with whatever we had on hand.

I am quite sure other sector commanders (Osmani, Zia, Shaifullah, CR Duttta, Das Party's head, Tiger Kader) and their most trusted soldiers had access to automatic weapons for personal use. For the most of the war, these people fought gurrelia battles on the border areas. And only platoon commanders used SMG's on field.

My sejo chachu (who served as a doctor and on the front), my dad (who fought in sector 6), and my choto chachu (a 12 yo boy back in 71) who used to smuggle arms for Crack platoon in Dhaka (from azimpur officer's quarter to house of Jahanara Imam, and colonel Taher's home) told me many stories of war. Most of them are not glorious as movies. And till Dhaka got liberated on the 16th December, it was all small arms gurellia war.

Unless there comes a very knowledgable person who knew the women personally, showed me her "lal Muktifouz barta number" (very unlikely she got trained in India) to tell me otherwise - this is a fake posed picture. It was a rookie mistake to include Dilu road on the post. And it is retarded to compare one of the greatest soldiers of our land, a fucking braveheart brigade commander versus a random women posing with a seized gun.

I am sorry but you cannot convince me. Have a nice day.

I bought and sold TSLA calls daily for last three days. If I Kept my 205c from Monday, I would have made a lot of money.

Sure. But I am okay with making whatever I made. Nobody got broke taking tendies.

Take profit and keep 1k.

Try to make your luck with 1k gamblings.

Bitcoin goes down, people lose faith in it, puts money back to stocks, stocks soar, bers fugged.

Bro, you are only 24, not 44.

If you stay, you will regret when you turn 44. If you leave, the 44 yo version of you will thank you for the correct decision you made today. Breakups are never easy, but you are doing the right thing.

Also that snake is not your friend. Cut that mofo from your life, forever.

Defence, defence is the most cringeworthy ass chant I have ever experieced. Shit sucks.

Happy 4th of July to everyone, except those Geh bears. Get rekt, pride month is over.

"Sexual activities before marriage is legal in this country"

Well yes, but actually....I am not so sure. Because there are so many loopholes in that law that any parties (one of the partners, police, or even the hotel management) can cause you a lot of trouble if they want to. Particularly 493 and 497 are open to a lot of interpretations based on how the judge and lawyers feel.

Police raids happen due to 2 reason.

1) Prostitution is not legal outside designated brothels. Goon maintained hotels in Mirpur, Shymoli, Mogbazar, Gulshan, Banani, etc. areas are related with trafficking of women and underaged girls.

2) Police can make some quick bucks by scaring couples. If they want, they can prove the cases for prostitution and other offences from the penal code.

Sexual Penal Code 1860

Deformed children is very rare. It's blood cancers and bone marrow cancers that happens a lot among children and adults aged<40 due to interbreeding. BD has unsually high percentage of those.

Sauce: My doctor cousin whose parents were first cousin.

There are historical inaccuracies in this picture.

MuktiBahini did not use Ak56 as shown in the picture, it was mostly used by Pakistani army. MuktiBahini mostly used 303 rifles. Only company commanders were given british SMGs. In critical operations inside Dhaka, crack platoons guerrila operations (who actually carried out insuregencies around Dilu road, sonargaon hotel, shahbag radio station, and Tejgaon area) used small arms, molotov cocktails & grenades. Even in those operations, it was rare for regular soldiers to carry SMGs.

This was probably a photo taken after 16th December, with a surrendered Pakistani gun. This begs the question whether this 65 yo person was really a trained fighter at that time.

No need to fetishize posed pictures of women Muktijoddhas. There are real pictures of women training with guns and parading in the street at DU campus, even before the war started.

It is better to know true history of your struggle rather than getting played emotionally.

Women soldiers in training