I agree. I got a lovely bag from a small designer I stumbled across, but Venice is not a great place to shop. You’ve got either heaps of crap, or the designers you can get elsewhere.  like everywhere, you can stumble upon the gems like I did. But you’re not going to really do that if Venice is a day trip imo. 

I agree. I’ve had my fair share of shit, especially physical/health, and ain’t no way anyone is going to limit me—-especially because I am a woman?? 😂😂😂 

I have no limits (and maybe I’m slightly delusional, but until I’m actually stopped, I’m going to keep trying regardless of what it is). 

Limitations are part of life in any aspect and writing off your gender because of a preconceived and very debatable notion that women are weaker is ridiculous, and screams of self pity rather than taking the steps to address this fear. 

And that is fair enough. But hating yourself being a woman for that one reason is—-and I don’t mean this to be spiteful—-ridiculous. And if this is the case, do something about it. Get a self defence class. But don’t write off being a woman for this sole reason 

Respectfully, get a grip. How does being “physically weaker” (which is a very debatable topic but ok) make you no longer want to be a woman? 

Being 5’4, sure I’m never going to be “physically stronger” than my 6’4 bf but it’s not a problem? How is it a problem? 

Khloe doesn’t even say “she has no interest”, she’s just fine hanging right now but has expressed how she hope she finds love in the future. A very normal healthy response for someone who has two young kids, and has gone through a lot with her previous partners. 

Yeah so exactly this, but also if the customer gets to the counter and has to wait a millisecond, you’re in trouble. You basically have to keep an eye on them 100% of the time and watch for the signal they’re going to the counter, and beat them there.  But you’re also meant to be 100% focused on stocking shelves in a quick manner as well.  I quit last week to start a job with my degree and reality hasn’t quite hit yet that I will (hopefully) never work in retail again. It’s going to be amazing  

I did but it won’t change your entitlements. 

But if for some reason you need to access studylink / submit documents while overseas (with exception of Aus), youll need to use a VPN fyi

Think this is great for others to hear. 

Personally, I’ve failed a couple of papers and had some difficult times through uni. But my last exam is tomorrow! And I’m so excited to start my dream grad role.

To those who are down: just dust yourself off and pick yourself up. 

I saw your reply. Please feel free to DM me. I had the exact concerns before I clerked. I had no idea what to expect. And yes, some firms suck and they have a shitty culture, but other firms are great and the work is fulfilling.  

 With adult jobs, you will be stressed but also you will need to remind yourself it’s just a job. Don’t put your entire self worth on a job, and then it will be a lot easier to set boundaries. 

Also to add, after summer clerking yes I enjoyed my last sem at uni. But honestly I’m so ready to move into my grad role. A law degree is so long lol. And now I’ve fun with a uni experience and “extra time” (except for me it was mostly me being guilty for not studying). But I can’t wait to start back at the law firm, to see my team and actually doing the work I went to uni to do. 

Have you actually worked in a law firm? Because it sounds like you haven’t. 

Obviously it depends on the firm, but working from home has become quite widespread and in my firm, if you have an appointment as long as you’re still doing your work, then it’s no biggie just let others know. Need to go to your bank (that one time in a year)? Pop in on your lunch break. Honestly if it was shift work rather than billable hours it would be probably way stricter with your time. 

Also your shifts would be redundant in some parts of the law. Banking & finance? Sure until 10 might work as B&F is generally consistently busier than other areas. Corporate advisory? Still plenty of work to do but if managed well, probably no need to stay past 6pm unless something urgent has happened. 

Yes law has a bad rep, but everyone is human at the end of the day. People have kids, have health problems, go to the gym and meet friends, live their lives. If you have clerked, maybe it’s the firm you worked at that has given this impression. I do think if you get put in a bad fit firm, it could seriously (and sadly) put you off a career in law. I really enjoy the firm I work at. 

Also, try public sector! Very much known for work/life balance. But you will sacrifice pay (but they honestly still make great $$$).  Or in-house, again very well known for work/life. You could also work until you met the criteria to  go out on your own as a barrister, then you can tailor your work/life completely. 

Law gives you so many options. 

Why can’t you leave? He is not going to change. 


I went no sugar for about a year. I used to love kitkats. But when I reintroduced sugar (abeit minimal) I found chocolate way too sweet. So I barely eat high sugar products anymore. 

And I think the times she does speak “normally” is when she is actually passionate about something: like hating Tristan. I have the new series on as background noise and I always perk up when Kourtney is talking (negatively) about Tristan, because she sounds assertive for once. 

You can contact YouthLaw and they should be able to help somewhat. But wills/estates can be very complex especially if you’re disputing one. It may be worthwhile paying for a consultation with a trust & estate lawyer. 

Omg that sounds really bad (and scary for yourself as staff!). And again doesn’t surprise me that customers would act that way. 

Retail is wild and in a way I’m glad I’ve still done my time because it has given me valuable skills (especially on how to deal with difficult people). But I’ve actually resigned so this week will be my last lol! 

It unfortunately does not surprise me. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Thanks for the reminder to others. 

As someone who works in retail, it is beyond infuriating when the alarm actually goes off and people still want to pay for their items, or continue to shop. Yes it’s probably nothing, but it’s better to be safe than sorry! 

I’ve messaged you. See if you can now reply. Might be in your requests. 

And that’s something you can discuss with her doctor. The doctor will be able to talk you through the extent of any vision loss (usually through comparisons) and what it may mean. 

These are questions you should be asking her doctor. 

But I was diagnosed at 10 and so far on track to very successful. Just teach her that her glaucoma diagnosis doesn’t define her 


I’d say eat the brownie you want. Your restriction mindset will only make your craving worse. I have a sweet tooth so my solution for dessert was to pair what I wanted with high protein (low fat but that’s just my preference) yoghurt. Mostly this is fruit. But if I want chocolate? Take a couple of squares from a block and eat it with my yoghurt. Much more satisfying. I can now have sweets and desserts in my house without needing to eat all of it.

There’s also the 5 chocolate block method (or can be applied to others). Apparently when you restrict yourself, and finally get what you want, you want to eat it all because of scarcity. So keep 5 blocks of chocolate in your home and over time, you will no longer want to binge eat them all in one go because you know you have a constant access to them. Keep in mind tho I am not a doctor or expert and please seek medical advice / specialist advise on this if you have a history of eating disorders. 

I’m about to go to sleep but shoot me a message and I’ll respond in the morning. I was diagnosed at 10, now 24. I’ve had my fair share of ups & downs. I know it really sucks especially as a young person, but you will be okay. Again, message me any questions you have or specific fears and I’ll get to them tomorroe. 

I think as you ease yourself into it, start with free/cheap and when you’re ready and being consistent then make commitments via memberships etc. 

I googled and found this, in Mt Eden but it is in the evenings.  https://www.meditation.org.nz/yoga

Also you can do yoga in your own home via YouTube. I suggest Yoga with Adrienne. She has heaps of videos for all different abilities/needs.