:michael-schumacher: Michael Schumacher

The way I can hear a particular driving instructor shouting “make it a non-event”.

:michael-schumacher: Michael Schumacher

Isn’t it the other way round? When there were complaints about Hamilton getting away with such a lenient penalty for sending Max to hospital, people were screaming about how the stewards only care about culpability and not harm, so they were only interested in the fact that they crashed, not the result of it.

:michael-schumacher: Michael Schumacher

Didn’t they manage to turn around a pit lane speeding penalty between noting the incident and giving Norris his penalty, or have i mixed that up with another investigation?

:michael-schumacher: Michael Schumacher

Cutting your losses like that is really only a thing in the last few races of a close title battle where there’s a risk of losing even more points if you collide, but even then it’s still a very risky mindset.

:michael-schumacher: Michael Schumacher

To be fair, there is a difference between a well-executed divebomb and just massively outbraking yourself.

:michael-schumacher: Michael Schumacher

Slam dunk penalty quite clearly, but I don’t understand why (a) it took so long for the penalty to be imposed or (b) why, if Max did indeed move in the braking zone on a previous lap, he didn’t get a black and white flag for it. Could’ve meant the crash would never have happened.

Vettel Cult

Poorest behaviour was from the stewards taking so long to impose that track limits penalty. Would’ve given Max way more breathing room if it had come sooner.

Vettel Cult

Didn’t they also deal with a pit lane speeding penalty in the middle of that? Or have i mixed it up with another investigation? Either way, it should not take that long to give a track limits penalty where there was no suggestion of forcing off.

I mean it’s not unusual for people in the real world to have exam clashes, so they just sit one of them later and are kept isolated during the gap.

The X350 has always had a special place in my heart.

Which we expanded to Silly Old Hitler Caused Almighty Havoc To Our Armies.

When you do your A-Levels, you think you know everything.

When you do your bachelor’s, you realise you know nothing.

When you do your doctorate, you realise nobody else does either.


Still one of the best Top Gear segments in history.