I have to pay them both every month, yay me!

He doesn’t feel that way. Just virtue signaling in the most obvious way

Im stunned, what an absolute loser the way he’s backtracking and bowing down to his “fans” on Twitter. Jesus Christ nobody can even stand for anything anymore even if it’s as simple as taking a photo with somebody you like

Video game prices have actually gone down on average. There are Super Nintendo games that cost $70+ in the 90s

I think just save state as far as I know. But you can still replace a battery on a cart, load save state, and then do a manual save through the game

yeah apps get reviewed but things just slip through sometimes. I remember in the past we would get an app disguised as like a calculator or something but there was a hidden emulator if you did a certain button combo. Would get removed within a few days usually

My guess is Apple simply doesn't know about that specific core

Unless you have Retroarch installed lol

Thank you bro appreciate this

Unreal that someone wouldn’t tip their driver

Is that before tip?

Not sure why I was downvoted for this question lol

It’s all subjective. Of course emulation has benefits and I emulate too, but nothing will come close to that original hardware experience in most cases. And for me the experience is much more important than having nice new features

Emulation definitely has its benefits like upscaling, fast forward, widescreen support and of course just the ease of use. I emulate stuff all the time.

But still will never be a better experience than original hardware in my opinion.

Yeah it’s never a good idea to sell hardware. I think a lot of us including myself learned that the hard way