ah yes because the one i replied to was a banger

Thank god the schools aren’t honorary US schools however

Yeah man this sub is crazy, he got knocked out by Izzy in his first title defence lmao

No he did not, he fought 5 fights at middleweight in the UFC. You are making up facts.

Show me where he said he was going to vacate the middleweight belt he just won, but decided not to fight Izzy again.

Or admit you are wrong.

Yeah man it’s crazy how downvoted I get when I suggest Poatan lost a fight fair and square.

No he said that after the* loss, don’t make stuff up.

Please point me to where he said BEFORE the loss that his Izzy fight would be his last fight at 185 and he was going to vacate the belt.

Or just admit you are wrong and coping.

Ah okay so he was fine when he was the MW ufc champ and beat Izzy 3x at that weight but as soon as he lost to Izzy (with the fights not even being a year apart) he was “drained”.

This level of cope is CRAZY

Okay so he was a middleweight in the kickboxing fights and ufc fights where he won and was a literal weight division champion, but as soon as Izzy beat him at middleweight he is suddenly too old to be a natural middleweight?

What is this logic?

LHW pereira is strong but he literally fought in middleweight for 8-9 years so the person I replied too who called him “drained” at middleweight is an idiot, he was the literal middleweight champion.

The comment chain you are replying to literally references the 3-1 record and if “Alex was not a middleweight” he wouldn’t have fought in that division for almost a decade and been a literal ufc champion at MW.

Alex wins a rematch fight in a different weight division from Izzy and the first thing you mention is Izzy who literally TKO’d him their last fight.

That level of obsession is crazy.

So was he not a middleweight when he fought Izzy the first two times at 85kg in kickboxing?

Or does Izzy’s win get downplayed somehow at middleweight while simultaneously holding his two 85kg victories over him when saying it’s 3-1?

“Drained Pereria” is such an incorrect narrative change, Alex fought at 85kg in Glory Kickboxing numerous times to start his career including his first two Izzy fights.

The former ufc defending middleweight champion was not “drained” at middleweight.

It was better than the Ian vs MVP fight or the Antony Smith vs Roman Dolidize fight is the irony

Public transit in toronto is pretty solid actually and the street cars and subway are electric…

You are comparing a person (Doc) who tried to meetup and fuck an underage fan to Woody who answered questions on Mail Monday about sex.

He never interacted with any of the fans personally, messaged them, or tried to get with them.

These are so far apart it’s crazy and you may actually be retarded for saying these things are comparable.

Some people (such as myself) did not have male parental role models to talk about this stuff and I really appreciated those videos at that time in my life.

Yeah something tells me that person didn’t grow up in or learn much about the cold war lol

I am for criticizing excessive use of force when it is actually worth criticizing, and against when the force is completely appropriate.

The scenario you mentioned is not relevant to the posted clip.

The speeding fleeing suspect who has already hit and run from someone is being reckless and needs to be stopped