
I tried getting a POTS with AT&T because they have copper lines overhead, and even a line going to my house from the previous resident.


They can do a cellular home phone, but no hard wired phone anymore. I told them I was wanting a backup in case their cell service went down since I am only covered by one tower in my area. No can dooski.

House #1

Purchased for $53k. Ranch style on pier/BEAM. Purchased from an estate, so owners had zero knowledge of the condition. It had been vandalized, and we knew it needed work such as new wiring, plumbing, roof, gut/remodel, flooring, siding, HVAC, etc.

We knew that there was some water intrusion into the crawlspace. We knew it was likely due to water coming from the uphill slope. We rectified this with dirt work and that issue was resolved. Went from mud in the crawlspace to dust. We didn't know however that the foundation was shifting even after remediating the water intrusion. We discovered this after brand new drywall in one of the remodeled bedrooms cracked. $12k cash.

Also recently discovered that grey/black water is separated. Our grey water line was only buried about 2" under the ground, is busted and leaking, and we're going to have to dig a new leach field/reroute. Estimate $2k in materials. I have equipment.

House #2

Purchased for $50k. Double wide trailer. Purchased from previous residents. Disclosures said everything worked. Power/water was off before closing. House was nasty inside. We knew it needed new flooring throughout.

We didn't know that it needed:

New HVAC $7,500 New plumbing throughout $1,500 Roofing repairs $1k Piers replaced/house leveled $2,000

If I had to pay someone for all of this (minus HVAC) on house #2 it would have been $10-15k.... On a trailer house.

I considered suing previous owners, but figured I am still way in the black, so I let it slide.

That's not the result I was expecting.

It took you an hour and a half to deliver their McDonald’s why the hell would they tip?


I communicated everything to them that the store wasn't open yet, but I had talked with the workers and gave an ETA. And kept them updated the whole time. We probably sent 10 messages back and forth regarding their order. They got their food piping hot about 3 minutes after I had it in my possession.

I knew going in that it would probably be $0 tip, because... it's EBT. I was adding that tidbit of information just because that is a typical EBT order.

You're telling me you don't do EBT, drive safely 10 below the speed limit, get gas, and then deliver at the stated time?

I kinda like EBT if it's slow. Usually 30 minutes+ on a delivery. My record is 1.5 hours on a McD's order because the restaurant wasn't open yet. I think I got paid like $18ish to drive a couple of breakfast sandwiches 2-3 miles. It was no-tip of course.

I once purchased a "Made in U.S.A." tubing cutter for a couple of dollars more than the "Made in China" model next to it. The higher dollar one broke the first time I used it (hub for the cutting wheel came out). I returned it and had to buy the Chinese model. I'm still using that cutter.

Sometimes what is perceived quality isn't actual quality.

The Kool-aid man approach?

Oh, yeah!

Stop being a pedantic twat.

I was with you right up to the insult.

Now, I don't find it necessary to even look into what you said because if you're not mature enough to not result to insults, are you really mature enough for other writings/statements to be taken seriously?

Mine cracked when the wiper arm slipped out of my hand. No blade in it because I was switching them out...

That tiny point of contact of the wiper arm without the blade is what cracked the windshield, not the "paper thin" windshield.

I had a firefighter friend tell me they were taught in a class to use the cars antenna to break a window if they needed to. And this was years ago when antennas were long with a metal ball at the end.

the other 4 is ignorant clickbait YouTube shite.

Wow! 4% of your customers are Scotty Kilmer.

You know 'Indian Giver' isn't saying anything bad about Native Americans, but the way the Europeans said "this land is yours, here's a treaty" ... "no, we meant that land over there is yours the old treaty is incorrect and doesn't mean anything."

Because the Europeans took back what they 'gave' the Natives (Indians) that is where the phrase 'Indian Giver' comes from.

So... If it is racist it is racist against European descent, not Native Americans.

drinking your own pee for survival

You're supposed to do this... just for survival...?

So you're idling at 750 rpm, and come off the line with no increase, and every once in a great while you miss the engagement point by just enough.

Or do what I do sometimes and try to take off in 3rd. Oof...

driving unsynchronized transmissions will break you of such poor habits.

If you say so. I've driven several vehicles without the clutch. The most recent was a couple of years ago when my slave cylinder went out and I had to start it in gear. Even synchronized trannies take skill to shift without using the clutch.

The bottom of the clutch is the clutch brake

Not on the majority of vehicles. Cars/light/medium-trucks don't have this. Calling people out for "not knowing how to drive stick" when 99% of all use cases for the users of this subreddit are as I described is kinda a r/gatekeeping jerk move.

I had a 74 C60 that the clutch travel was about 8 inches floor to top of travel. Clutch caught around 3-5 inches from the floor (so where it should). If you tried leaving your heel on the floor, your toes would touch your shin before the clutch was all the way released.

the most obvious clue someone has very little experience driving manual is that they stuff the clutch to the floor with every shift.

Agree to disagree. Someone who just goes to where it feels like it's disengaged will cause unnecessary wear on the clutch. Going to the floor with it 100% ensures release unless there is a mechanical issue with the clutch.