This may also be a sex thing. Many places are relatively safe as a man but not at all as a woman.

The downvotes both on the post and on some of these comments are unfortunate. I get the criticism of it being half visual novels, but it's pretty apparent that that's not what's driving quite a few of these downvotes. That's sad to see.

Mind if I ask what kind of work you moved on to? I'm looking into my options right now.

So, this is unrelated to the OP's problem but that kind of sucks though, no? Because the actress is a real person who was seen from a young age by the majority of people in the acting world I imagine, plus a ton of people in the world in general since it was quite a popular show.

So how is she supposed to date as an adult if everyone views her the way you describe?

I do think that, while protecting kids from groomers is very important of course, it's also important that adults are seen as adults even when they used to be kids and were seen that way too.

Ah yes, very "protected", because you and everyone else can kill any kid in an instant due to everyone having guns. But it's okay because that person will get shot too.

The kids will still be dead but hey, they were protected because the shooter's now also dead, right?

Is that the one where within just the couple minutes of his shooting he still managed to murder 3 people and injure others?

He killed three people within those two minutes, and injured others.

This isn't the win for guns you seem to think it is.

For sure. It's distressing to acknowledge but a lot of the people expressing their unfiltered opinions online, and taking in the unfiltered opinions of others, are of pre-teen or barely above age.

No, you've got it wrong. Nobody cares whether you personally dislike shorts or not, the problem is that you're telling someone else to not enjoy their media a certain way, and that's a jerk move. Don't try and make it out like the problem is just you disliking shorts yourself.

As someone with a lot of the same struggles, I'm curious what you found to make money if you don't mind sharing. My social anxiety and other mental health issues have really gotten in the way of life financially.

As a BCer myself, yeah honestly fair. Good call.

Wow. No wonder gun violence is off the charts.

Those are great things to do, for sure, alongside more gun control. No reason doing some great things should mean not also doing other good things of course.

Huh, can't say I've ever noticed that being an issue. I'm not sure why. I feel like it tends to get noticed pretty quickly.

I do agree people shouldn't just sit in the leftmost lane though. I don't do it myself since it is a bit dangerous and I prefer the less stressful right side anyway, but it does happen sometimes, such is life. But it seems like people tend to be able to still notice the big flashing lights from the large vehicles and the loud sirens and such.

If this is true, it does not surprise me at all given the video here.

The U.S. isn't really big into that whole moving forward thing. They treat the ideas that their founders had when forming the country as if they're the unchangeable perfect words of divine beings that shall never furthermore be changed, despite the founders themselves having stated they should be re-evaluated and changed every so often from what I've heard.

But I agree, they should maybe rethink that plan, it's really not holding up that well.

That's insane.

It's quite possibly true, but it doesn't make it any less insane.

So they want more people with guns to be able to do more crime? I'm not sure that entirely checks out. I think it's more likely these people just have the general gunsick mentality that pervades a lot of the U.S. unfortunately.

Because you're not the good guy with a gun that will stop the bad guy with a gun that you think you are.

People are not safe enough to be generally trusted with guns, as evidenced by the United States experiment.

Your second point doesn't make any sense to me, you would just pull over out of the way and stop when that happens like everyone does.

They don't listen to women, or to reason. If they did they wouldn't be in those spaces.

Something might be wrong with my palate because I've never been high in my life but food for when you're high is basically just a list of all the best foods, according to my tastebuds.