Really depends on what happens with Jimmy’s extension. If they can’t come to an agreement, there’s a nonzero chance that he gets traded somewhere else.

There’s also the question of whether they’ll be able to trade for a guy like Donovan Mitchell, which would likely mean that Tyler and others would be gone next year.

They way I see it, they’re either going to run it back with a very similar lineup again or there are going to be massive changes across the roster. I really don’t see an in between.

Only if we’re trading Jimmy too, no way he’d be cool playing with KAT again imo. But besides that, yeah he’d be an awesome fit with Bam

Yeah makes sense. We were just getting into it at the time and had no idea what standard, modern, etc. was, we were just using cards that we though were dope lol

Back in my old days first getting into kitchen table Magic (2014ish maybe) my best friend had a monoblack vampires deck that would absolutely crush my zombie deck every time on the back of nighthawk and [[Vampire Nocturnus]].

Realistically our decks were super janky back then, but man young me thought those were the most OP cards in the game lmao

I mean if you really hate to be that guy, then you don’t actually have to be that guy

Hardest working dude in the scene and it’s not close, his work ethic is unreal.

Great shout. Still/Born from the same director is also excellent (not sure if it’s still on Shudder or not)

Would absolutely build a Tinybones deck just to use that box

Definitely the standout to me too, I feel like Zel’s and Ferg’s energies are a perfect match

If you’re gripping your whole deck with all of your mana open, I would hope you can win the game from there lol but I agree, this is fun but there are definitely more efficient ways to pull out a win in these colors

The hard cast becomes way easier if you’re playing this in [[k’rrik]], this card is a beast in that deck

Yeah this reveal just saved me a lot of money lol

Warriors need to move on from him too if they’re hoping to keep their current window open. He’d definitely be a decent consolation prize if Miami has to move Jimmy.

I know there’s a difference, which is why I specifically said playmaker lol

He brings the ball up while the offense sets up, has all of their best offensive sets for Steph and Klay run through him, makes reads on the fly at an elite level due to his crazy court vision, sets strong (moving) screens, and is constantly getting guys in position. He just happens to be a great passer on top of all that.

I hate that I’m being made to defend Draymond like this, I don’t even like him like that, but saying he’s not one of the best modern playmaking bigs is being disingenuous.

Some of y’all really have no idea what you’re looking at when you watch basketball and it shows lmao

Playmaking is way more than just racking up assists lol he’s literally the engine of their offensive sets

Draymond isn’t a natural scorer, but he’s still a very high level offensive player. He’s one of the best playmaking bigs in the league, and a huge part of why GSW’s offense was so elite.

Yes, he led us to a lot of success. But again, extensions shouldn’t be given based on past accolades. We’ve been in the play-in 2 years in a row; that’s not a good trajectory.

Did we watch the same regular season? He has definitely not been consistent year-to-year. Advanced stats loved him the first 2 years, but those have been dropping steadily too.

Even just the eye test shows he’s sandbagging like crazy in the regular season. He never showed up against elite competition this year; how many times can you honestly say he was the best player on the floor? Because a max player needs to be the best player out there on any given night.

but we WILL get to see that after this full offseason

What makes you think that? This team is literally always injured. There’s no reason to think they’ll magically get healthy now. Jimmy is still aging, and the roster around him is still small and lacking athleticism. That’s not a recipe for health.

He earned his current contract. You give extensions based on projected future performance, not past performance. This team has been in the play-in 2 years in a row with a barrel-bottom offense. And there’s no reason to think he’ll magically improve over the next 2 years.

All of these whooshes are hilarious lol I thought it was funny

I’m less concerned about his injuries (although they are concerning) and more concerned about his apparent lack of effort in the regular season.

If we give Jimmy the max and continue to be a perennial play-in team it’ll be a disaster.

I’ll start by saying Jimmy is my 2nd favorite Heat player of all time; I definitely won’t be upset if the team ends up resigning him.

That being said, Jimmy and Bam have never been a seamless fit and the team’s offense has largely suffered because of it (part of that is the FO’s inability to build a proper roster around them, but that’s a different issue). The defense has been great, but the fact is that they’ve been a play-in team 2 years in row because the offense is so stagnant with this core.

That’s not even touching on the fact that Jimmy doesn’t seem capable of being Jimmy Buckets for more than 16 games anymore. Is that type of player worth a super max?

Ultimately, this isn’t a terrible spot to be in. Either Miami maxes Jimmy and keeps their franchise star long-term, or they decide it’s finally time to move on and they can get a haul of assets for Jimmy that will help them jumpstart the Bam era.