Came here to say this. Also Out of Sight, Hoffa.

Real answer: Remove the baseboard and sand the paint off the column. Apply a skim coat of plaster to square up the column. Add new corner bead. Will probably take several coats of joint compound. Sand in between each coat. Cut new baseboard to wrap the column.

People in shitty mid-sized cities love stupid, explicit rules. They could just carry out this agenda with a well trained waitstaff w/out making the diner read this neurotic garbage.

You're killing it. I would maybe trim a tiny bit more fat. Great smoke ring,

My dude, do the math. You're getting paid $40 an hour to work 50/hours a week. Ask for a raise to 125k and a reduction to 6 hour days. They can toast their own Pop-Tarts in the AM.

  1. Everything about this is horrible. Sad wilted leaves, bizarro protein, messy smear of thick, poopy mush. Throw this, and whoever told you to make it, in the garbage.

  2. Is that the fish's tail fried separate? Thats kinda cute I guess. Otherwise, this breading looks heavy as fuck, little crumbs looks messy all over the plate, looks like it's gonna fall over. Not a good plating.

  3. Is that little bits of tuna tartare everywhere? Looks like a bomb exploded, way too chaotic. Not a good color combo.

  4. You already said it, too much parm, and it looks like the cheap stuff. And I don't like all the micro greens and flowers on a pasta.

  5. This is actually not a bad looking plate but it looks like something you'd get at Spago in 1987.

You don't have to leave Costa Rica to find good contemporary food. Quick google search shows there are plenty of talented chefs there. Find your favorite guy and get an entry level job in his spot. Godspeed.

Your omelette definitely needs work--I'm assuming you are trying to make a French omelette? This isn't a French omelette. Kenji's videos are the best I've seen for French omelette technique. Don't forget the butter trick at the end.

My guess is you've never had a proper French omelette--otherwise you would recognize what's wrong with yours. It's a vastly different animal than an American diner omelette.

Just the ravages of time, my friend. It's coming for us all.

As everyone is saying, the raw mushrooms need to go, and sauce is broken. Plating is too geometric--try something that feels more organic. It seems like too many different elements, doesn't feel unified. The use of yuzu feels dated. If you're going to use yuzu, why not pair it with a Japanese mushroom? Don't know where you are, but it's the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere. I would like to see more green on the plate.

Here's a link to a similar dish that I feel is much more successful. Good luck

The fuck are you taking about?

This advice boils down to, "make it better." Gee, thanks.

Those colors are all way too bright to match the existing color scheme, imo. I would try again with burgundy, navy, ochre, forest green, salmon, etc.

Eh, not quite. Too many angles in that porch. And no cover from weather over the front door.

First one: Burn it down. Don't walk, run.

Second: This can be saved by simplifying the dormers and fixing proportions and stupid mistakes. Those gable end returns are ridiculous, though a lot of builders think thats how they are supposed to work, with the mini-me roof in the crook of the return.

This is actually not a bad example of mid-century ranch style with an open plan, like the Brady Bunch house. I would gut the interior and update the exterior finishes, but this is not a bad house.

I wouldn't pay 3.5m for it tho. OP said it in NY? Unless it's in the West Village, it's not worth more than 700k.

God what a relief it is to look at this property after all those McMansions.

Whatever the roofer charged, it wasn't enough. This isn't a roof, it's a helmet.

Not the worst example of Spanish Style, but not winning any awards.