The Anchorage library in the Homeless day shelter.

This photo really bugs me. But really. We had some people over a few years ago. We only found one a few days later. We bought a steamer and steamed the house from top to bottom.

It is a portal to another realm. If you stand in front of that tree when it is 66.3 degrees Fahrenheit with 44.8% humidity on a day that starts with S in a month with only one syllable on the last day of the month you will be sucked in and sent it a previous time that may or may not have have existed but now that you are there it will have happened we just did not know tell this very moment.

Heavens for bid someone has a different opinion than me. This is not allowed.

Is there 100% actual meat in the nuggets, or is it a little ground up chicken with a whole lot of additives so it doesn't feel or taste like real chicken when you eat it? More pink slime with some high fructose corne syrup served to you buy a person who just whipped their nose with their hand.

I recall them tasting like Sweet Tarts. I liked them so much one Saturday morning, I ate a whole container while watching cartoons before my parents woke up. My mom called poison control, and I rember drinking a lot of milk and vomiting a lot. At firs, my dad was going to give me a spankin, but them my mom decided the vomiting was a good enough punishment.

There are two seasons in AK winter and construction.

I always take a knife. Some food and a little extra. Rain coat and rain pants. Sweater is a must. Most of the time I take a head lamp, but there is no need in may, June, and July. I don't take a shelter on day hikes. Small firataid kit. My phone is allways with me on day hikes. The one thing I did not see in your list is TP.

The sugar and calories is what I can't believe 220 calories from a soda. If you have a candy king size candy bar with add another 500. You now have 720 calories. I don't even burn that on a 2 houre run. Plus, if that was what I ate before, I would not make it through the run and have to eat more.

It is one of those woke bears. It identifies as brown bear. It even went as far as to dye its hair brown and walks with brown bear swagger, but it is still just a brown black bear.

They have to do something with all the pinks Alaskans won't eat.

Is it a merino cotton blend? Maybe it is more cotton. I have noticed marketing scams like this a lot. They put very little merino in it with a lot of cotton and then sale it as merino.

That is cool. You had me excited. I want to get up there to hike, but it looks like a lot of postholing still.

Denali State Park hike from Kesugi Ken/Curry Ridge to Little coal creek on Kesugi Ridge approximat opening of trail

I have been look forward to a 50 mile hike in Denali Sate Park for some time. I hiked the 36 or so miles from Little Coal Creek to Beyers lake years a go. The planing has been in the works for a few years to connect the new camp ground at Kesugi Ken to the trail system and have a 50 mile trail. It was scheduled to be done last year but we have had few late springs that have delayed the surveying and trail work. I was curious when the trail would be completed so I emailed the Mat-Su trails foundation and this was the response.

Hello David, We've had a few delays in the project due weather and surveys, but the trail should be complete around early July, and AK State Parks will be updating their maps and signage around that time. The Curry Connector trail is hikeable in its current state, but ends at the Tarn Point trail which is in need of substantial improvements (some of which will be happening this Summer). GPS tracks and maps will be released to the general public once work is completed on the Curry Connector and Tarn Point. Keep an eye out for updates from us, or AK State Parks around that time. Let me know if you have any other questions, and hope you have a great weekend!

Taylor Raftery | Executive Director Mat-Su Trails and Parks Foundation

There is a difference between high fructose corn syrup and corn syrup. Corn syrup is all glucose, but high fructose corn syrup has been changed to fructose and sopost to be worse for you. I think the bottom line is too much is to much weather it is fructose, glucose, lactose, or sucrose or another sugar.

I eat salmon. It is the fastest and healthiest thing to cook and eat.

So when we buy something, it isn't tracked with our member number? It seems like I have bought stuff at REI and couldn't find the receipt, but I had no problems returning it.

The guy could afford a house as a shoe salesman. How does that work. But seriously, if you watched this, you only think you are old.

My aunt gave me a Sambo stuffed toy when I was 5. I had that stuffed animal tell I was 25. I had no idea it was from a restaurant. Sambo used to get shot up by my cowboys and Indians.

No. It might be made legal under government control. Nothing the government controls is cheap. They will tax the F out of it. It won't stop anyone from buying it. It won't stop an underground black market for it.