I guess you haven't seen many penalties. At least they were all on target.

People who were born the year Rick DiPietro's contract began will turn adults this year.

Bottas is absolutely cooking Zhou, but since they are always P18 and P19 with 10 second pitstops nobody really notices it.

Even if he didn't have an issue, he didn't have enough time for a clean outlap. There can't be that much you gain from track evolution by risking it all.

Carlos Sainz's appendix might have saved Bearman's F1 career. Very unlikely he'd have a seat for next season without that emergency drive.

Even with a bit of a car advantage, he can't beat Max without being impeccable. I don't think that anyone on the grid is at that level right now.

When a dog and a wolf have an offspring, is it a dog or a wolf? Or more interestingly, when that lineage keeps having descendants with other wolves/dogs, at what point exactly they transition from a wolf to a dog or vice versa?

I think it's one of the safest American cities, which still means it's much more violent than any major European city.

Depending the time of day this subreddit is full on National Front/AfD spam.

Right now Williams are wasting their second seat. Sargeant brings absolutely nothing to the table. With Antonelli, they will presumably get some compensation from Mercedes and much more attention from the media for a bit. Even in the worst case scenario where he's not any faster than Sargeant and crashes as much, he'd still be more useful for the remainder of the season. Best case scenario is that he's suprisingly quick and Williams will have a lot more people talking about them for the rest of the season.

Considering how the average French muslim is painted here, having 56% support for gay adoption is pretty high and totally flies in the face of the narrative that they do not assimilate. What's the support for gay adoption among US conservatives?

Sweden used to be a country with one of the lowest crime rates in the world and now it has among the highest homicide rates in Europe almost exclusively due to immigrant gangs.

This Anecdote Andy has literally no data in any of his posts, doesn't address any arguments from the OP and comes spreading bullshit like this to this thread. Sweden has literally lower homicide rate than neighboring Finland, despite having like 10x as many immigrants.

It's embarrassing that this kind of babble is upvoted on r/destiny.

The likelihood of any kind of Islamist political movement gathering wind in France is non-existent. However, it's a real possibility that far-right lunatics could get into power in France and cause immeassurable damage.

It's the income inequality division. Consistently top-5 teams in the league, consistently bottom-5 teams in the league.

So true, protecting hard working American miners and their ASIC rigs is a national security issue.

Dedicated artists do a ton of skull and anatomy studies anyway, so if anything this seems like a great match.

He made some great overtakes, but maybe had the pace win if he wasn't all over the place.