Unless you are talking about hirelings, but companions like Shadowheart can't use magic mirror

Nope none of those work for me, level up, mirror, respec. None of my playthroughs Shadowheart got the white hair portrait

I love my weak and femboy ish boyfriend and I wanna be the one who protects him

:Pachimari_Icon: Pachimari

Nobody here works at blizzard to tell you 100% no risks, the stuff you know is the stuff we know, just use it on your own risk

If this could help: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/s/GD73cSpc3V

Having an extra option than one tricking a character is always a good thing. I'm a tracer genji 2 trick (only low gm so take my advice with a bit of salt) , mostly locking tracer but when they got torb or pharah mercy I find myself going genji more (or when I'm feeling it ig).

And as of S9 rn genji is pretty good (other than blade which was shit anyway without nano but now it's shit regardless) so it's kinda worth learning him now but the devs don't like genji so he's probably getting nerfed. I'd say if you play soj then obviously that's a way better choice (not including fun factor), it's easier to pick up compare to genji and honestly more value

Edit: oh and maps like dorado (ain't walking those stairs), Havana, junkertown (sniper maps) I'll go genji

What's gonna happen if non lethal is off? Entire house of hope quest and Raphael quest gone?

:spideycircle: 100% All Games :milescircle:

They will make a spiderman origins or some sort eventually. Even if not, these characters are already well known enough

Longstrider as aoe cast as well, cuz I'm doing it to 4 members anyway

:Pachimari_Icon: Pachimari

Saving tire for when she respawns

Wish I could just get sucked to death but I always can't finish 😔

Lmao yeah, not to mention most of the time you just have to kill the supports first otherwise the damage you done is just gonna get out healed

"FINALLY NO SLEEP/ANTI", my team every time when I force enemy support swap to moria

Here's a genji main thank you for switching so you provide no utilities to your team (discord orb) and can't tranq my blade. Keep slaying!✨💅

:Pachimari_Icon: Pachimari

I wish I remembered my first potg, would've been a fun memory

Personally I found pharah and moria easier. Pharah has a big hit box and pretty predictable movements, Moria players are just free kill unless I don't have cool downs

Personally I wouldn't care about a moria player's opinion lmao

Oh b-but all my teammate are so bad... SHUT THE FUCK UP! If you lost 20 game in a roll there's only 1 common factor, YOU.

Yep perfect example of getting value even though no insane amount of kills or damage, wp man

Trading 1 dps for 1 support out of the fight is always worth