Health problems linked to douching include: Bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is an infection in the vagina. Women who douche often (once a week) are five times more likely to develop BV than women who do not douche. Pelvic inflammatory disease, an infection in the reproductive organs that is often caused by an STI.

Cervical cancer. Douching at least once a week has been linked to a possible increased chance of developing cervical cancer.

Not even medicated douches are safe to use, sorry.

Obviously you’re going to still douche because you’ve been erroneously taught that douching equals cleanliness. But again, Google “is douching ever okay?” And read some results.

My vagina cleans itself and old period blood coming out is part of the menstrual cycle. It takes a day or two post active bleeding, max. I don’t let my husband go down on me until it’s clear.

Maybe you keep getting infections because you keep shooting water up your vagina…

I addressed that in another comment-- i recommended having a morning nap and afternoon nap bc it seemed like she wasn't getting much nap time at all-- also if she just turned two, she might have not dropped a morning nap yet.

Most 2 year olds will still need an afternoon nap that's 1.5-3 hours long, like you said every kid is different! a morning nap and afternoon nap might help OP figure out what her daughter needs since they haven't done any sleep training yet

Do a little research. Squirting warm water in yourself is going to harm you, as well as medicated douches. There are lots of studies to back it up.

I do clean myself, but I do not squirt anything up my vagina because that disrupts it’s natural PH balance and causes infections.

The vagina is self cleaning and douching is never necessary, and has been proven to be harmful. Some studies suggest it even increases the risk for cervical cancer.

You can use your fingers under the spray of the shower to lightly wash and rinse the outside of your vagina, but you should not shoot/spray the water inside of your vagina. That's the same thing as douching, which has been proven to be very bad for your PH and can cause infections.

Either way, lying with your kid for hours trying to get them to take a nap isn't the way lol

Most two year olds have dropped down to two naps by this age, but some may still need the morning nap if they're not consistently getting their afternoon nap. I recommended two because it sounded like she was having trouble getting a nap in at all. Sleep begets sleep.

Two year olds need between 1-3.5 hours of sleep during the day. That's a big range. Some 2 y/os may be fine with one short nap, but some need one long nap, etc.

Once they actually get their daughter's naps consistent they'll be able to tell how much she needs. The problem is they seem to have never done any sleep training.

You absolutely should not spray water up your vagina. That's how you get infections. Even water sprayed into your vagina, i.e. douching, is enough to disrupt the PH balance. All you have to do is wash your vulva with soap and water, and rinse the outside of your vagina.

I can’t stick the shower head up my vagina and get the residual cum out. More will still come out hours later after showering

create a new email address on gmail and send him messages there

Even if you meet in a public place, he'll try to coerce you into going somewhere private. This is how episodes of Dateline begin.

For me it doesn't come out all at once. A little bit will come out when I go to the bathroom and clean up post-sex, but then the rest will come out later when I get up again. and i'm not sitting on the toilet for hours lmao

2 years old is old enough where you need to have designated nap times, and old enough to know how to settle herself. She should still be having a morning nap and an afternoon nap. If you want it to be regular it must be at the same time every day and have a routine. Lying there with her isn't going to do it. You need to put her in a crib/toddler bed in a darkened room for a set amount of time.

"It's time to take a nap now" and lay her down. When nap time is up, you get her up regardless of whether she's fussed or slept.

Sleep training is very important for routine and it seems you missed the boat on it-- 2 years old is pretty old to be starting it. It will take a while and be a struggle at first, but if you're consistent she'll get the message that she must rest quietly or nap during her designated nap times.

uhhh I'd say he's pretty uninterested in you now and has the full ick. I mean, you gave him a Desise.

she didn't say she was pushing while peeing/using her urethra to push lmfao. "labor pushes" means you're bearing down and pushing like when you're giving birth. you don't give birth out of your urethra