Depends on my mood. You want to have fun in this game, and turtling is not always fun. The combat is good, so fighting is fun. Why should I sit beside the objective for 5 minutes with minimal action just to see a victory screen that gives me nothing at all?

We can build computers, but do you have innate knowledge of how they work?

I don't know enough to agree or disagree with Chomsky, just pointing out your premise is flawed. I think either theory is possible, but we'll need some concrete evidence.

Yeah, I don't think Blade really needs it. He very rarely overcaps.

Himeko on the other hand...being able to overcap would be a pretty big buff honestly. If you break an elite plus 4 minions you could potentially get 7 stacks, enough for two FUA procs. It would be pretty insane. But given how strong recent 5* characters are, she still won't overtake them.

Someone on reddit accepting they're the asshole and actually fixing themselves? Must be fake. /s

If true, a truly heartwarming end.

What if they made a card give knockback immunity? Would that be interesting or too broken?

I don't think it's a problem with living alone. You're working really long hours for what sounds like not great pay. Anyone would feel tired of a life like that.

This is the kind of little tricks I want more of.

You have bows in both games you can shoot.

I didn't understand why the sub was so vilified because I hadn't seen it in a while. I remembered it as a pretty normal sub about women's issues. It has grown very hateful lately.

Don't deny that they exist, but a lot of mansplainers, are in fact just men who are full of themselves in general and "mansplain" to everyone regardless of gender.

Reasonable takes in this polarized world is so rare... in every issue there are sides, and if you don't support everything on a side then you're the enemy.

I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Hope you find a way to cope with it. Personally I've just cared less about what people think about me over the years. I'm weird? Well fuck you too.

That's so stupid. Even the rich, famous and successful commit suicide.

While I get that, some incels can be very entitled and insufferable to be around. I understand it's a defense mechanism to believe that "it's not my fault I'm unpopular", but some of them go to the extremes and think they're entitled to wealth and love beyond what is reasonable. It's not easy to be friends with someone who constantly spouts negativity and hate.

There are many living organisms that have entire generations that lived inside your body and will probably continue to do so until your death (and the apocalypse of their universe).

If you reached chapter 200 and already think it's good, then you should be fine continuing. RI improves a lot.

The long time spent at rank 6 was fine for me. There are only 9 ranks in this story, if you divide the story equally, rank 6 would take 25% of the total chapters post ascension. Many things happened in that phase and we are introduced to the immortal world, which is drastically different from what we knew before.