Bars! I’m 23 and everyone I know is into partying and drinking and I just wanna play video games at home, man.

Warren buffet puts me in his will, Putins name changed to Poutine, chargers win the Super Bowl, only way it’s fuckin happening

Regardless, would it not end a lot of conflicts. Like imagine Muslims and Christians are both confirmed wrong, and it’s actually Scientologists that are on to something.

$20 says he falls backwards trying to get up the stairs

Addiction to eating. I was ~310 lbs at my heaviest and was constantly eating to try to feel better. America has an insane obesity problem. For example, ~16.7% of Americans are addicted to drugs. ~39.6% are obese. Obviously drugs are way scarier, but obesity is, statistically, a bigger problem in America, in this aspect.

Yo that’s also true. I didn’t say who walks away last. That man might not even make it in the ring.

I miss the mental freedom; Not knowing what tomorrow was going to hold. Now I just sit and wait for my next shift at work.

Everyone in my house, besides me, has tiny lips.

I feel like the purpose of life is to create a better life for those around and after you. Life loses meaning when you don’t have someone to laugh and smile with. Money not being an issue would give me and my loved ones a lot of time to give life a whole lot of meaning.

Yo I’ve heard about this forgot. Teddy might have just won

Yeah but if you just catch him from behind by surprise…

Kinda trolling kinda not. I’m not really that gross looking and work out daily, but this road is a long one.

I’m really good at burping long burps on command.

If he’ll make some hicks in Pennsylvania pay a whiskey tax, he’s definitely gonna make Lyndon b Johnson cry a little.

Tell that to my rolls and stretch marks. My boobs sag past my knees and I’m a 23 year old man.

5’10, honest Abe the lumberjack would obviously catch him in a rear naked choke