i respect sex workers more than dropshippers

fuck it i redeposited. this is a casino :8882:

shut up and get behind wendy like everyone else

down 1500 this week

it aint much but its an honest L :4267:

another day of canceling ber :8882:i fucking love America

the only logical play is shorting the fuck out of it after earnings.

SOFI is fucking cancer and i fully deserve the pounding its given my anoos. never again

beloved regards:

I am warning you that i plan on being extremely boolish next week, yoloing my entire port into calls

Your analysis, be it technical or fundamental is 100% cooked the moment i hit buy

I strongly advise inversing me. Do with this what you will

scientist have observed ber often hibernate due to lack of mating options

*market drops .05%*


BREAKING: global amounts of copium are reaching critical levels as ber continue to huff at an alarming rate

wanna know what's worse than cancer? SOFI calls

godspeed regard, it doesnt have to do shit

SPY just forming the base for next green peen