Yeah, it’s because it’s not normal for people to stay to their self, when people see people who do that their first thought is that they are up to no good, we are basically conditioned from birth to try and be as social and as part of the group as we can, but us autistic people have a different set of rules we go by that NT people don’t and that’s why there’s a lot of issues between the two, they are conditioned to be highly group oriented and sociable and we are more like highly internal and more concerned about what’s right vs what’s popular.

I don’t particularly have problems with eye contact, though I don’t care too do it, I find that when I do make eye contact I make way too intense and often weird people out, I have however learned to mask to be nearly normal throughout the years but that doesn’t mean I still don’t like to make eye contact or even really talk to people.

For me eye contact feels like I have to take in so much going on at once and then I have to analyze everything the persons doing, that’s stressful for me.

For me talking seems kind of boring and wasteful, I can do it, but it seems to just wear me out really quickly when I do, even if it is with people I know fairly well I just get bored(unless if I’m cracking jokes or trying to be funny or it’s on a subject I like)

I barely qualified for Asperger’s when I got tested I did average across the board with the exception of language I scored above average in language, and my GADS adjusted scored ended up being a 98, so the psychiatrist gave me the diagnosis of Asperger’s, he basically said that with Asperger’s the sky is the limit though, I will be able to mostly live a normal life albeit I might struggle with the social aspect of it though.

Definitely, there’s literally finger style guitar out there, there’s also what they call chicken pickin, which is where you use a pick and finger pick together so it’s absolutely ok to use only fingerpicking, in fact sometimes finger picking can be faster and easier since you have access too 5 fingers vs just one pick.

Yeah, it’s pretty crazy too because you would think that since people don’t seem to like us very much that they would ignore us, but in reality we have tons of eyes on us, which is just ridiculous

The results that I got from it is what I fell in love with, when I originally started getting into exercise I was weighing 220 with a big round belly(I’m 5’ 8”)I lost weight went down to 160s and then started bulking and went back up to 220, it was the muscle that kept me going, the burn is something you get used too, not too mention you become so strong mentally that to achieve that burn you have to push yourself really hard, I can lift some crazy stuff now, at one time I was on my way to deadlifting 405, I did like 385 for 1-2 reps, it’s really the progress that makes it worth it, I think a lot of people get into exercise or try too and expect it to have immediate results but it doesn’t it takes literal years to cultivate any serious amount of results from it but the mental toughness you get is the most important it teaches you that if you can push your body thru hell day in and day out, that you can literally do whatever because you have already beat the hardest thing in the world to beat, your own mind.

And by beating your mind I mean your mind in the beginning will tell you to quit before your body does, but once you get used to pushing yourself eventually your body will give in before your mind, and once that switch happens, that’s when you get the good feelings

I don’t appreciate being called out pal

Yep, that’s just autism for you, it really is, even after I changed everything about myself it still sucks, but I just know that if I accomplished all those things I know that I can beat anything life throws at me, even super hard mode with 1hp, but I can relate, I’m telling you find whatever your autistic heart loves, for me it’s guitar, that’s how I express myself, that’s how I find happiness, the lifting is just another thing I love but the true thing that makes my autistic heart beat is music, certainly if you think long and hard you could find something like that as well.

You know, autism is rough it's like living socially on hard mode, than you pair that with being ugly and it's like you are now living on hard mode with 1hp permanently, but it's still doable, also beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and all that jazz.

But seriously, it’s not really worth giving up in my opinion, and in all honesty the looks don’t matter a lot if you’re autistic, people will sniff that out really quickly and categorize you negatively most of the time besides just looking bad, take it from me, a guy who used to be fat and out of shape which made me look pretty bad to now one who is very in shape and looks great, I still get avoided and ignored by people, although it is a tiny bit better than it used to be it’s still nowhere near ideal.

Some suggestions, if you’re out of shape get in shape, lose weight, build muscle, these things will make you feel a little better about yourself all while improving your outer image, second find something that you love, I was fortunate because I fell in love with weightlifting so doing it for the last 10 years has driven me forward still(used to also be highly depressed, was gonna off myself one time as well due to neglect and bullying)but it’s about the things you love not others, don’t get me wrong others make life good, but sometimes, for some people(particularly the autistic community)they don’t get accepted as part of the group even if it isn’t their fault and it doesn’t make them bad people who don’t deserve to live, you’ll be just fine if you do these things because 10 years ago I felt the same way and I told you the things I changed to help myself still be here.

Definitely not an autism thing, my ideal day is a day of doing nothing.

It is completely normal for anyone but even more so for someone with autism, I am part of a discord that I can chat with a group of friends pretty much everyday, I rarely join chat because I prefer to not talk a lot, I have to kind of force myself to do it, and I think that’s how a lot of us are, I think that’s just what autism is like.

There is no right or wrong way to hold a pick, hold it however it feels comfortable to you and however you learn best.

Why would your mom think you’re staring at her tits? That’s just odd for anyone to think

Yeah don’t worry I don’t approach anyone anywhere at all, I barely even approach myself when I’m in looking in the mirror so no worries there.

People are just highly ignorant, whenever people don’t understand something they almost always choose to treat it badly, it’s just far easier to be full of hate than it is full of love, I gotta admit I have been fortunate with people not thinking I’m a mass shooter, but with women I commonly get labeled either and asshole or a creep, and I do nothing to deserve either, what’s worse is a lot of times I hear women talking about my looks(I’m fairly handsome)but I still get labeled a weirdo or a creep(I don’t really talk or participate with society)and it’s ridiculous, in fact the one thing I can’t stand about autism is how quickly people are likely to toss us away or belittle us, it’s just ridiculous, most of the autistic individuals I’ve came across are extremely nice people, so I don’t get where the hate comes from.

I hate cash app so much, I’ve been ripped off far too many times using it, I just loaned someone a hundred dollars a few weeks backs to help them pay rent, never got it back, now I’m just kind of like well I probably won’t ever use cash app again lol

Definitely something up with the guitar, if it happens while tuning the fault is more than likely with you, if it happens while playing the fault is more likely with the guitar or the strings.

Highly Anxious, highly Smart, great at recognizing and picking out patterns in everything, supersonic hearing(this is the worst part of it)

I often describe mine like this, it’s like I have the superpower of reading peoples minds, the problem is, it’s in a world where everyone dislikes me.

Yep, this is me hands down, I often figure things out well before people do, and a lot of times I will dominant over people in a conversation because by the time they explain what they are explaining, I’ve already figured out where they were going with it, it sucks being smart but also being awkward at the same time.

I mean I got too pretty big niche interests I play guitar at a high level and I lift weights, but I just don’t know how to talk to people(and a lot of times I lack the desire to talk anyways)

You sound extremely naive, some people can’t adjust to those types of things, like it’s literally impossible for them, and for people like that(I’m one of them)what should become of us? Should we be cast out as less than by society? It’s ridiculous to sit there and say only entitled people basically are the ones who can’t accept disappointment and move on, I don’t feel entitled to absolutely anything other than being respected by people and that’s it(and respect SHOULD BE a basic human quality everyone gives and gets)just some peoples brains operate differently from others, the problem is the majority of people can’t(acceptable)or refuse(not acceptable)to look at things thru someone else’s eyes.

I think a lot of nice guys came about due to frustration of dealing with rejection that spans from women(in this discussion because I’m sure there are “nice girls” too)giving mixed signals to guys who aren’t good at picking up signals too begin with, with women it’s an extremely tight rope you have to walk, if you come on too strong too fast you can lose, if you don’t come on at all you can lose, not to mention a lot of nice guys probably had a lot of negative experiences with women, and sometimes things can be so traumatic you can’t ever get over them, that’s why people should think way more before they speak because trauma is a real thing and sometimes people can’t ever get over it, I am an autistic man who has dealt with a lot of crappy people in my life due to me being autistic, it has absolutely ruined how I view EVERYONE not just some people but every single individual I come across I view in a highly distrusting way and have some amount of suspicion and apprehension towards them, also I can’t just move on and accept it because I didn’t do anything to deserve the crap I got to begin with so I don’t agree one bit with what you said about entitlement bud, because again I never felt entitled to anything I just wanted to be liked and respected like everyone else and that’s just not how life goes for some people(particularly a large portion of the autistic community)

Idk I think there’s some truth to that, a lot of women I worked with thought I was hot and sexy because I never spoke to them, a lot of them thought I was either gay or an asshole, but as soon as they found out I was autistic I dropped off 90% of their radars for good or bad, so their may be some truth to women finding you less attractive if you show a softer side.

I haven’t ran into any yet :(