5 cups of flower 2 cups of water 3 TBSP kosher salt 3 TBSP Honey 3 TBSP Olive oil 2 TBSP yeast

Mix; put in fridge overnight (or 2 nights)

Make your own, best ever.

Nah bro, No. I’ve been married for 24+ years, if I’m upset about something unrelated I just let her know I’m upset but not at her. If she does something that is more than just annoying, and actually hurts me, I will wait until I can speak clearly and intentionally on it, ask her for a conversation and have a nice healthy talk about what happened earlier from my perspective. It wasn’t always like this, 95% due to my issues. One time I wrote a very detailed letter, and asked her to read it and have a discussion. That was the catalyst for us to have very healthy talks about issues. I don’t believe we’ve been in a fight in almost ten years now? Maybe twice a year I’ll feel that a transgression is enough to actually talk about, and it always goes smoothly.

Sorry bro, maybe counseling together would help?

All I can say is, your relationship doesn’t sound normal or healthy to me.

Agnostic Theist

Fan fiction, based on fan fiction, based on earlier works. That was then revised countless times, translated countless times, so on and so forth. It’s insane.

At 23, I had been married for 4 years, had an almost three year old daughter, and had forcibly taken over as GM of the business I worked at about a year ago.

I laughed so hard at that sound effect!

Con Man Beard Pudding: IF you have a thick, longer beard. Great stuff, my all time favorite.

We had those laws, Obama allowed them to expire. It’s almost like they want to lose. SMH 🤦

Loosely affiliated group chat. I’d say the sharing of knowledge and genetics across country lines was the single greatest benefit.

Jack The Ripper is THCZ, but only like 3-5%. I’m a huge fan of CBN, had a 64 year old friend break his foot, required surgery. We made him strong ass CBN tea, took that daily for a month…no surgery needed. Wild stuff.

I don’t think there were any bots inside the group, but outside media consumed? Absolutely. This shit has to be coordinating from somewhere.

Took me 6+ years to get approved. Then another 2+ years for them to ante up the back pay.

Agreed. My daughter worked at the Zoo for five years as a teen. Wife and I used to spend every Sunday down there walking around. Haven’t been back there in years, after a time we were there and some crazy fuck was tossing glass bottles at everyone. They were going off like bombs when they would hit the concrete. Lots and lots of zombies down there these days. Awesome city with horrible management.

I believe it’s the first formed one, which then later turns to THCA or CBDA.

Don’t get a male fixed right away. Have him imaged to ensure his growth plates are fully closed prior to removing his nards.

It’s not important at all. Rubs me wrong? Nah man, just think you’re kinda silly for “Wrong, because Maths!” Never mentioned or implied duration. Again, reading comprehension. Not surprised though.

I’ve been baiting MAGA dumbfucks all day, started at midnight.

Where did I say anything about duration of career? In reading, we say you have piss poor comprehension. Dude is literally a professional grifter. Not sure wtf you’re on about.

Private group. Several breeders, mainly cultivators with some processors tossed in. Commercial and private. Rec and medical.