Please advise is there an artifact that reduces number of enemies in stage?

Now I knew that the strongest is 1st one. But when I wrote this topic I thought that situation was different.

Cost of each lvl for each Mythical Artifact (updating in progress)

Below there is a link of MA upgrade cost that I've already checked. If someone can help me updating this file, please write in PM.

Currently 100% finished MA: Custom Tailor, Half Ring, Free Exploiter.

Also leveled to 90 Auto Transmuter.

Does Hilt/Wendle crit chance/damage affect on Ring damage in Ring strat?

Besides appropriate stats in artifacts there are some skills that give bonus crit chance i.e. Wendle's Craziness skill (as well as Lucky Boy for Hilt).

And same question regarding affect of skill damage on Ring damage for those (almost) heroes. I.e. Wendle has Out of Control skill. Does it affect on Ring damage while casting?

Congrats! what is your max stage?

Don't actually understand the point to take Hilt in Ring strat due to the fact that investing money on Wendle is always better in terms of cost/damage. So spending money on Hilt is uneffective.

The only thing that Hilt does in this strat is his Sharp Edge Skill. So he could be replaced with any (almost) hero with damage amplification skill.

Suggestion add option in game settings to change hero order from [week -> strong] to [strong -> week]Suggestion

This will ease heroes/ring/upgrades leveling in some cases. I.e. in Ring strat you always have Wendle on 5th slot. If he will be on 1st slot this we be more convenient to level everything up.

That feeling when you finally have enough dimonds to buy 3 Rune pack but new offer came around...

(Bug) Emenies should die but they don'tBug

If you hit enemies while they are not apeared on the screen (they are on the way to it) with some AOE skill, they don't get lethal damage but come with minimum HP. This could be easily shown while doing i.e. VEXX ultimate ability.

That is easy - try to reach highest level. Current one is 918... as far as I know.

Please clarify does bonuses from Custom Tailor depend on heroes who are not in the stack. So should I max out heroes and hero items that I don't use in my strat?

Thanks for the nice Guide! Great job!

One question - is there any info about how much it cost to lvl up Mythical Artifacts to needed levels?

Find interesting addition to the strat - using Fire Ring with Inner Fire rune [when overheated, increases all hero damage by 200% for their next 2 attacks]. Using Boomer ult right after overheating the ring will increase damage from it 3 times!

Not agree with couple things:

1) It is useless to compare Ring and Boomer strats cause they are used for different things. Ring => farming, Boomer => progress.

2) Don't know about Ice and Earth rings usage but Fire one is essential (IMO) for Boomer strat since there is Inner Fire rune (while overheated, increase all hero damage by 200% for their next 2 attacks). So when you overheat Fire ring and push Boomer's ult you produce 3 times more damage. Lightning ring can't do so.

Agree with:

1) No point to leveling Ring and roll Ring Dmg. on artifacts since Hero Dmg. with Wendle skill is much more usefull.

2) Ice and Earth rings looks pretty useless.

Hope that new patch will bring more balance in this things.

Use Auto Tap and Time Warp items in Quest tab. This will help you to get quick runs 10-15 min to max stage. Make sure that you have increased time for Auto Tap and increased time and speed for Time Warp in your artifacts.

Thanks for the comment!

New Ring strat (MS ~450)

Since I don't have Bounce rune for Lightning ring I try too push with Earth ring and it becomes much easier and I nearly hit 450 MS with it (btw I have no Half Ring yet).

On last levels hero damage (even in active skills) is much less then one that ring does. My stats: Hero Dmg - 376K% Ring Dmg - 385K% Gold - 245L% Hero HP - 549K% Heroes - Hilt, Vexx, V, Wendle, Belly

In that case that Ring damage is the only one that matters for this strat on high levels I want to test Tam as soon as his "Mark" skill could increase damage on one target 3-4 times from a Ring. However this mark disappears after one hit. What do you think of it? Maybe someone already test it? If it worth to have Tam in team who should leave?

Looks like Hilt's and Wendle's +ring damege skills don't work

Please advise why numbers of Ring damage don't change when I lvlup Hilt and Wendle or/and lvlup their appropriate skills?

so what +lvl boost from hs do you have? is there any limit how many levels can you jump through with it?