I've always thought that scene was really important because other than flashbacks that's really the only time we get a glimpse of what the real Eric was like (the cigarette bit is the same for me). All the other dialogue from him is revenge based or focused on things like comforting Sarah about Shelly's murder.

Also same energy as Dee's: "Oh you sonsabictches. YOU GODDAMN SONSABITCHES! I'M GONNA DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU OWN!"

Right, I know the plane can structurally handle insane levels of stress and turbulence, but just quoting those stats leaves out a really important variable: The ability of the plane and pilots to actually fly through that level of turbulence.

Ruthless People.

Danny DeVito and Bette Midler are on fire in that movie.

DeVito essentially plays Frank Reynolds, but at the height of his ill-gotten clothing empire.

Thank you, Mac. Playin' both sides?

You ditched Napoleon!!??!?!?!

I feel like Charlie is probably the best bang of all The Gang. But he doesn't like it because "it's too sticky."

His breath probably also smells like dog fart.

Every line between Randal and the lady who wants recommendations is gold. Randal's "I don't watch movies" is perfect.

They have MTV too. And I hear they still actually air music videos. No reality show bullshit.


I can't find it on YouTube, but there was an episode where Parker says he's going to do a Ferris, and he starts talking like Broderick and wrinkling his nose and stuff. It was really meta and hilarious.

EDIT: FOUND IT: https://youtu.be/QTiSBzvbjyo?si=Jwd2UWw-DIIk0aKI&t=728

Wanna be in Multiverse of Madness?

You betcha!

Beat yourself up like we're filming ED2. ACTION!

Do not diddle kids it's no good diddlin' kids... somethin' like that... I got a headache.