Is she talking about George Floyd? People don’t like the outcome of police getting away with murdering black people AGAIN and AGAIN. She’s mad a candidate got caught paying hush money to a mistress. Yes, we are not the same.

“Purge voting rolls of non-citizens now” is his battle cry. Non citizens aren’t on voting rolls for nationwide elections you turdlet. This guy is so filled with hate for Mexicans it’s insane. It’s literally the only thing that gets him up in the morning.

No- my wife wishes she worked on big budget films- it was some super low budget project (may have been TV? I don’t think so) about virtual reality. My wife was not a body double professional she was on the crew and they needed one and the actress wanted her to do it. My wife was not thrilled about it. It is literally the only factoid I have about that actress and I brought it up because my wife spilled that nugget of her backstory to our family recently over dinner. It’s funny being married to someone who had this long life before she met me and it comes out in drips and drabs. My stories from before her time with me are super pedestrian by comparison.

One of the many facts about compound interest that people don’t know is that its so onerous it’s forbidden by one of the worlds major religions (Islam- it actually forbids interest at all)

Yes. Fleas are bonkers this year. And chiggers.

Not arguing that the other listed (and many more unlisted) crimes shouldn’t have been prosecuted- but it’s also blatantly obvious what a Fucking moron Trump is that he got busted for something so stupid. Rich and powerful men pay mistresses all the time, but are smart enough to not get caught

Texas does not have a energy system, it has an energy market. It has designated stress failures to drive price inflation through unnecessary scarcity .

Im not sure how he is preparing his mix, but the large faux boi pieces for the City of San Antonio have weathered years of heat and freezes since the 1930’s

David Graeber was spectacular thinker and very influential on the occupy movement. He just sort of stumbled into it. I highly recommend his books.

Opposite results for me. Surprised to find out I’m 25 percent Native American.

Please keep it up- we who have loved ones going through brutal chemotherapy (I’m sitting in an infusion center now) are rooting for you

Crony capitalism. This is how it works folks. The rich purchasing the country they want. In Texas we are suffering from this as two wealthy Christian Nationalists are personally bankrolling the dismantling of our public schools.

My girlfriend in college was a Vietnamese refugee whose family fled on boats and were intercepted by pirates who robbed all the refugees at gun point. Her father hid his money in fake packs of shitty cigarettes mixed with higher quality cigarette packs in his bag- the pirates stole the good cigarettes and left the shitty fake packs full of their money.

It’s like these fucking guys just pulled their heads out of the sand and looked around for the first time ever. I get that he spent a lot of time being a comedian etc., but give me a fucking break. Plenty of us have been paying attention our whole lives. It’s how you create an informed opinion that takes history and nuance into account. Is everything he said true? Of course. But instead of forming a nuanced critique of power that incorporates historical materialist perspectives that ARE THE BASIS OF MODERN SOCiAL AND ECONOMiC THEORY, he just says “It’s all corrupt”. NAME NAMES you douchbag. AIPAC, NRA, The Federalist Society, ALEC… c’mon man, let’s go.

I can’t recommend enough gargling with hydrogen peroxide or salt water- it helped me immensely

City of austin is still looking for people for summer jobs- also lots of food service places are hiring.

A lot of it comes to pace. There’s pressure to go balls out all the time. Pace yourself. Take breaks and hydrate. Stretch, sleep as much as you can, and don’t mix anti-inflammatories and alcohol.

I would put myself into this category. Regular sauna and 3or more hours a week of moderate exercise in my fifties after 20+ years of swimming/running regularly (more than 3 times a week)- I personally feel like exercise and saunas have similar effects. Both seem to trigger a sensation that I likened to a hormonal shift ( maybe endorphins, but I have no idea). Super calming. Do I have a low stress lifestyle that allows me time for these activities? No, I just force them into my life. I still have plenty of life stress, but as of yet have not begun hallucinating. Whether or not exercise and saunas are preventing me from becoming a psychotic, I would still recommend them for everyone.

She didn’t think she was having an abortion? She thought it was a “termination”? Wow.

I went down this rabbit hole out of curiosity (as I did when I discovered flat earthers)- they are similar in that it’s almost farcical the levels of disbelief one must suspend to even begin to entertain some of their beliefs. Beyond ridiculous. One of those conspiracy theories that has no real motive. Nothing to gain. No logical basis for even being considered. Mostly I think it’s just for people who have never traveled. It’s like being raised in American strip mall suburbia and someone shows you the empire state building and your reaction is that it must be a conspiracy that you’ve never seen that before.