Time, and lack of power. 

Even in pretty secular Norway, many small towns has a church im the best location, often looking down on the rest.

They can still make noise every Sunday, unlike other religions.

They still hold some political power, but many of those voters are old.

Many small places like where I live,  it is hard to not be bored as a teen without saying yes to one of the many activities the church has its long fingers in.

It is so hard to unregister as a part of the state xtian religion in Norway still.

But all these things are changing , and many of the people backing them are old and dying.

Sadly many replace it with believing in other bullshit.

Then what is the pope apologizing for (one of a million articles, random link)?

Modern politics and the bible and Jews (again just picked one):

And the list goes on forever of course.

I am sure there are a multitude of reasons for the holocaust and the hatred for Jews.

But this is one of the reasons/problems.

You can just google MTG space lasers and antisemitism.


I have no idea if that is a website I should visit or not, so pick one of the 20 that come up that you trust.

I mean you could just go and read about the catholic church writing an apology letter yourself.

And many, many other sources.

And still very liberal rallies don't tend to have literal nazi flags.

Being against what the state Israel does does not make you hate Jews.

I am still sad to hear that there is obvious hatred against Jews also as several of you explain. I don't know any people like that myself, or know how wide spread it is.

What do you think she means by Jewish space lasers?

See also the way she is arguing against the antisemitism law.

I mean powerful American politicians still talk about Jews all the time (Marjorie Taylor Greene for instance)

This hatred is not an isolated or rare. Hitler did not make up the hatred for Jews, although as I was a young impressionable person in school in Norway I was kind of told it did. Nor did the hatred end with Hitler.

The hatred for Jews is deeply rooted in among other things the Bible, and you can still see for instance in the Christian right in the US. Ironically some of them cheer for Israel while spreading propaganda against Jews.

Why is this important? Well look at our world today. Things are not as different as one may think.

Look at the rhetoric against Jews, muslims, queers, trans or <whatever you want> here. Not much has changed, and there are people killed for belonging to, or not belonging to, the right tribe, group, sect or whatever all the time.

This is also literally the plan for a certain politician who might run his campaign with an ankle bracelet.

Because she didn't handle emails perfectly.
Not even with the intent to do anything wrong.

And it handed him the presidency thanks to James Comey trying to be a smartass and secure his career.

Now imagine "not handling your emails perfectly" and how low it would come on Trump's list of activities. If he actually wrote emails. He does of course not, since emails requires you to read/write and can be used as proof against "the boss" later.

Thanks. To be fair it is really hard to distinguish.

The joke is on them, as my wife often has the final word when it comes to economy and such.

That is true, and as I'm getting older and have certain diagnoses I can literally jump a bit in my seat, even with earplugs.

But that does still not mean I am upset about a family with kids unless they are truly insane.

And even the most "unruly" kids are often restless, or looking for something, or unable to attend literally the thing the parents tried to set up for them (cards/board games where I eat/drink).

A small nice gesture or attention can sometimes mean the world to these kids/parents, as the day can be long enough for both the kids and their parents as it is.

This is coming from an old man who sometimes got paid in coins to go outside and run around the house as a kid. Took me a few years to figure that one out.

I am a white straight cis male. Gen x I guess.

Muted many of my childhood friends, as many of them say the exact same things many boomers do.

Tapping your credit card, or contactless solutions on your phone are more secure than using your credit cards the old fashioned way.

When things get rough you "look upwards", to those who supposedly took care of you, and hopefully still care enough to give some aid, or listen to you or just show some empathy. Even lacking that, maybe they will at least understand your life or situation.

When that is not there, I am quite sure there is a cost no matter if we have any hope left or not.

9 out of 10 posts about Taylor Swift is from some thirsty dude complaining about Taylor Swift.

My kids struggle even with hugs sometimes.

Keep helping your kids with boundaries. If you do, they might learn from it when they have to face challenges later in life.

And don't be surprised when the next "small thing" blows up in your face with the in laws.

It will always hurt, even with no contact.

But no contact is probably less damaging than reading/hearing all this shit over and over again.

And every time you have contact, a small voice might tell you that you somehow can or should fix this.

But you cannot and should not fix this.

Senior discounts are important since many elderly live on pensions, or next to nothing.

It is not like wealth is equally distributed amongst boomers, or any generation for that matter.

Axe wielding maniac

I mean, you can just turn off infection in the sandbox settings to play the way you like. Probably feels better than "cheating".

I tend to get a few early wounds, the first months or so, then I tend to get settled into a routine, and of course weapon skills and such get so high after a while it is harder to die.

That being said you simply don't seem to fight much. It sounds weird, but the only way to get good at not dying is to fight a lot, until you get the hang of it. It is better to fight a lot early, this way both you as a player, and your character, both get better at fighting. Then you either die early (fine by me) or you survive and become stronger for the long run.

Your fitness may also be a contributing factor to making fighting harder, or fighting less fun.

Personally I have never considered a death to be the game's fault, but there are a few quirks/bugs in the game, and I am sure if I had recorded everything a few of the deaths would at least be a bit weird.