I guess im making the misake of hoping people who pay to be there would be decent,

Historically, douchebags sometimes meet the dual requirements of a: having Money and B: seeing entertainers as somehow lesser/forgetting to treat them as people.

Dropout not having a comments section is considered to be a feature, not a bug, by many Redditors and most of the Dropout talent.

Why does it want to invade and conquer instead of say, open diplomatic relations and offer to eat our pollution?

That's why its here.

Why did it murder?

Damn, so you really tried to whine and um, actually me over nothing.

What a weird and pointless choice.


By his stated public preference, please don't call him blm

I didn't say you said that, I said it seems like you don't like her.

Oh yeah, I don't think OP has any issues in common with the people of Finetime, as far as I can tell anyway. I was just pointing out the VERY UNFORTUNATE coincidence.

In fairness, this doctor has been to therapy. It would logically follow that perhaps he doesn't have "oh shit the doctor is angry" moments anymore.

but Melora is so confrontational and defensive when she comes on board, that the implication is that everyone on her previous posts has been a complete asshole to her because of her condition

Genuinely asking before I dive into this, Because What I'm saying will change depending on what kind of experience I'm dealing with:

Are you disabled, or intimately familiar with someone in your life who has a disability?

underlying anger

So you didn't watch last week's episode then?

I know it's not how you meant it, but BOY HOWDY is this a really unfortunate episode and actor to point at and say "THAT feels more like the real doctor"

When did the Nestene express why it murders?

Right, but there's plenty of things that real people do that you wouldn't. I assume you've never murdered anyone- does that mean you're unable to accept the reasoning for every other murder committed on Doctor Who? Do you question the motives of the Cybermen, the Master, the Daleks, random factions of humans pitted against each other, the silence, the Nestene?

Fair enough if the episode doesn't work for you, but "insufferable entitled brats drive sentient AI to want to kill them" doesn't seem to be part of that. That reasoning is completely sound, regardless of how you feel about the rest of the episode.

"I'm just like.... Insatiable"

I guess that runs in the family, Figueroth Faeth, daughter of Gorthalax the Insatiable.

I'm back to why again.

Because they're awful, entitled, self-absorbed, shallow, insulting to outsiders, and annoying to listen to.

I know you're looking for details, but this particular aspect seems like one of those things that's self-evident. The answer is in the acting and the dialogue. Are you unfamiliar with That type of person outside of Doctor Who?

Maybe I just don't hate rich people enough.

It's not specifically that they're rich, it's rich in combination with their other attributes painting a picture of a specific person. Are you unfamiliar with the stereotype of the entitled child Who never grew up poor, never had to work for anything in their life, who's living off of Daddy's money and has no empathy towards anyone who has any different life experiences?

Not every rich person is like that, but for the annoying people who are like that, their wealth (or specifically, the wealth of their parents) is integral to why they're so insufferable.

Because they didn't just not want to work for these people anymore, they actively hated them. The dots didn't just not want to be around the entitled rich kids, they wanted the entitled Rich Kids Dead

I mean, you're entitled to your opinion.

For me, I prefer to derive conclusions from the available evidence, and your opinion has no evidence that supports it.

No. The doctor just wasn't in the split timeline.

No time passed in the main timeline, there wasn't a reaction from the doctor because the doctor didn't have anything to react to.