As long as it's a dollar or less, I grab CDs and DVDs when I'm out at garage sales. Some of the places at my job have terrible service so streaming can be really frustrating. I ripped my entire CD collection and put the MP3s on an old cell phone

As for movies, I've found that a lot of the classics that I want to show my kids aren't on any of the streaming services I have. And it's cheaper to just grab a DVD that I can own forever than it is to rent it. They also still rock a portable DVD player on road trips

Happens a lot with coworkers. You become pretty good friends while working together but then they get a different job and contact becomes less and less until you just never talk to them again

This immediately reminded me of when George was upset that the security guard had to stand all day

There's nothing unhealthy about this meal if you're eating it in moderation and exercising regularly

I didn't think that wall was ugly at all. It was fully painted and functional. Nice looking wall actually

It doesn't seem like you have any intelligent discourse on the subject. When you were bested you just starting quoting movies. Conservative arguments always fall apart when logic is applied

Until it isn't

The person who asked if that was Walt's real look

This person has never seen Mallrats

Nah. It would be more exciting to just see the guy run out. Waiting for music to hit immediately makes me think the guy doesn't care very much about the guy he's saving

I absolutely hate the cartoonish bullshit in Home Alone 2. The parents running around like assholes and stopping to do the Home Alone yell directly into the camera. Marv turning into a skeleton when he gets electrocuted like he's in a Tom and Jerry short. Or how about Kevin completely forgetting the lesson from the first movie about how being a selfish dick leads to you being alone? I know you have to suspend your disbelief for parts in the original but at least that took place in our universe

The Second Renaissance parts one and two are brilliant and some of the darkest shit I've ever seen

The only one allowed to keep his shoes on

You're even copying the Trump speak with your, "Many people agree with me" bullshit. Trump doesn't have a dog or a dog house

Well, looks like I'm next. Good thing too

:RubberSoul: Rubber Soul

The most unrealistic part is that the main character wasn't a sobbing mess when he met old John

Being an asshole to people always helps. Good job

I'm just a regular Joe. With a regular job.....