You might want to stock up, their parent company filed for bankruptcy and/or protection back in April.

It's summer and Canada Day just happened, things move slow in the summer my dude.

I currently have a bag of this in rotation right now as well, not bad for $69.99+tax. Perfect for throughout the day and guests. Most of my bag was/is similar to the bud I attached


Without a doubt it's Canada. The climate, the taxes, the media, lack of other sports (No NFL, no NBA/MLB outside of TO) ...and even us, fans.

Everyone who expected SS to change this team over the course of the last 4 days need to step back and manage expectations.

SS addressed our biggest issue of all by addressing our goal tending and a horrible contract in Korpi.

Our fan base has been asking for a RHD and more toughness, the team addressed this at the draft.

Management, fans and media has been saying the team needs to get some vets for the the younger core, we address that today, while finally dealing with the Chych situation with a cheaper RHD for 2 years who is Zub 2.0

Anyone thinking we were in line for anyone like Tanev, Montour, Roy, etc you really need to check the reality of the situation, players still don't want to come here. Plain and simple.

MA and SS made progress this year, fixing the team on and off the ice, but it's still going to take time. We have to prove ourselves to make talent want to come here.

I guess it's 12 o'clock somewhere (this was written at 11:31am)

Everyone needs to relax. We control the asset. Media has also mentioned possible offer sheet. Both agents and clubs use the media to negotiate. This is par for the course on days like this. Deep breathe.

As someone who's Western team is the 'Nucks, I hope its not Zadorov. A really solid 3 week playoff run has made him believe he's worth 5x5, but that's just not the case. Largely invisible when he first arrived

7800X3D | 3060 12GB | 32GB

Keep an eye on them being marked down or open box, always find crazy deals if you’re patient or check often

7800X3D | 3060 12GB | 32GB

Logitech X-230 speakers, released and purchased for $49.99 in 2004

I had the Deadhead OG with 0 issues

Well, given you now have an fault on record and went through insurance, I would absolutely not pay for your friends repairs, his insurance will cover him and should not be deemed at fault.

Whether he reports it to them or not is none of your concern, if he wants it repaired he can call his insurance company. Said friend either doesn't have insurance or might have other claims and is scared this will add to them.

Then again, you can pay it, but you should save that for the increases on your renewals for the next 6 yrs

So you lied to insurance about how it happened? Your story is really making no sense.

Maybe if you're forthcoming with what happened and give actual details, you'd get an answer, otherwise, everyone is wasting their time with this.

If you've reported the damage to your insurance company, they will have already reached out to his insurance to say "hey, we know your client hit our client, let's get this sorted out". So really, a few things could be at play: 1) Your "friend" is ignoring contact from their insurance broker/insurer knowing this 2) Your "friend" has reported this and is attempting to scam you for an extra $2100 3) Your friend doesn't have insurance or 4) Something more innocent but I'm betting between 1 and 3.

You don't really mention what your relationship is with this friend, but you really have nothing to do now but wait and see who your insurance company finds at fault. I mean, at this point you should know, based on what deductible, if any, they applied to your claim,

The general rule if going outside of insurance is getting a quote from 3 different garages (1 each preferred and 1 neutral) and going with the middle quote.

With that being said, where I am in Ontario, he can call the police, however, you most likely will both be directed to the collision centre to report the accident. By law, you are supposed to do this for any combined damage of $2000 or more in Ontario. The reporting centre is run by city cops, they will have you write statements, most likely take photos and determine who is at fault for insurance purposes.

If you really aren't at fault, I would report it as it sounds like this is going to be an issue, if not now, in the future. Plus, your vehicle is still going to look like ass and have rust issues sooner with that surface scratch. If you are at fault, I guess you need to decide if $2100 is worth having an at fault on record for 6 years and the associated increases.

It really isn't much these days, between the sensors, cameras, and unibody fronts depending on the vehicle age.


The ship has been so tight since the purchase, the only reporter I’m really putting any stock into is Mendes as he seems to be tight with MA

e: fixed Ians name, auto corrected