400lbs to the spine cannot be good.

I would love for them to do an hd remake with updated UI and controls. I don’t think they should be redone as FPS.

I shaved my beard when my daughter was little and it took her about an hour to get over it.

The note is a whole note. It gets 4 counts. The p<f indicates that the note gets louder. You can do that on a wind instrument by blowing harder, but on a piano, once the key has been struck you can’t really affect volume.

Yeah, she needs it explained to her that she does not get a free pass to be a monster and her dad isn’t doing that. I’m not sure I agree with kicking them out straight away, but it’s your home and I’d say NTA.

Of course they are. They were not selling well, and with everybody charged up over the verdict, it’s a good time to try and move some stock.

I understand that he chose to cross a busy road at an intersection without a crosswalk instead of walking 200ft to one that did.

Galloway and Broad has crosswalks and traffic lights, as does Westwood.

While I agree that more could be done, there are crosswalks at nearly every intersection and people just don’t use them.

I have not been that way for a while, but the jaywalking was rampant and reckless on a regular basis. It’s amazing this doesn’t happen more often.

The latest division tactic to take our minds off of the 1%.

Whatever. A 15ft high fence in a neighborhood is very obviously the wrong move. I’m done here.

It’s almost like we have limited information. Knowing nothing other than what was presented, the guy building a giant fence in a neighborhood is the most obvious asshole. Not liking the guy doesn’t make him wrong.

The guy is a weenie but a 15ft fence in a subdivision doesn’t just affect him. It’s an eyesore and a dick move to everyone around them.

That’s what is funny to me. The guy in the video may have a legitimate complaint and you accuse him of lying. You take the fence builder’s side assuming he somehow deserved it. Just weird.

The world may never know. I don’t see a good reason to take the fence builder’s side, though.

People who leave their dogs outside to bark all night are pretty shitty already.

Creality is ok and you will get a much larger print area for the price, but you have to do everything manually that Bambu does for you.

I also moved to Bambu after struggling with my Neo, but I kept it and am going back to it now. You can get very good prints out of it, but not without working for it.

I personally prefer 2 with the exception of the steam coming from the coffee; it looks better in 1. However, I think you should pick the one that is more representative of the game graphics.

I remember when HL2 came out and required Steam, and people complaining about it.

There are some well done games, and a whole heap of crap. My kids have found some good ones. My son, 9, likes Doors. My daughter, 14, plays Arsenal.