The point is exactly how you felt when you made this post - to feel confused. That is always the goal of narcs. I second just blocking your ex. It's difficult, but you're so much better than the treatment they give you... and you deserve freedom away from them ☹️

What a backhanded comment. I wouldn't even bother talking to him AT ALL.

Good call! That really sucks. Did they mention taking them out?

When I was having bouts of pancreatitis for about 6 months (it just happened; no one could figure out why) I was always told to do a liquid/light diet for 1-2 days. I mostly had bone broth, smoothies, water, Propel, stuff like that. I felt better after giving my digestive system a break. Do you know if your lipase levels raise? Mine were usually in the lower hundreds but still enough to cause pain.

I highly suggest trying digestive enzymes. After I started them, no more ER trips and pain. I didn't feel like death after eating anymore, haha. The brand I take is Ultra Zyme. I hope you feel better soon!

Dead lifts can definitely cause neck pain. A stroke would happen pretty quickly. ❤️

It's not "playing mind games" when you're distancing yourself from an abuser, wtf?

He's mean and abusive, and you don't deserve being humiliated. And really? Blocking you from leaving, expecting you to kiss him after he verbally and emotionally abused you? Nah. Please consider leaving him.

Thank you! I appreciate that!

Oh wow, what causes papillomas? And you got them removed simultaneously?! That's cool! How long will the histology report take? I'm hoping it comes back fine!

Lol that's what my doctor and some ER nurses have asked too! "Why do you know all these medical terms???" I'm like, I study at IU (Internet University) 🙃🤡

I'm glad you found the source! Is the tooth impacted? Did a dentist discover this or was it your doctor? I understand being skeptical when things feel much worse than an infection. I'm glad you'll be getting treatment. And I hope the probiotics help too. That's what I hate about HA the most. Even when you're taking care of the problem, HA will convince you there's something much more sinister going on 😣

Yes! Sometimes, there's no clear indication what we need to do to feel better, and that amplifies the anxiety 😭

Yeah, that makes sense. I do the same with going to my phone when things start going wonky, along with pain in my throat or back. That's actually where I have scoliosis - the upper left thoracic spine. It affects my breathing some days.

Hi! I think you hit the nail on the head about the forward head posture. GERD can cause that pain too, but I've noticed if it feels more muscular than internal (I hope that makes sense) then it could be forward head posture. I have scoliosis, and my left rib misplaces sometimes. I have acid reflux/GERD-related pain in my ribs and back. Not as much as I used to though!

I do this sometimes, and I have trouble keeping up my B12 and iron/ferritin levels. I'm glad your anemia tests came back fine! It could be from the cold, it could be from dehydration, many different things. How's your breathing?

Edit: typo!

I know what you mean! Like, you know your body needs nutrients and needs something, but whatever you eat or drink just doesn't fulfill the need I guess? I'm not really hungry anymore but eat because I need to :/

It's safe to say he more than likely does this with other random teen pics he finds on IG or wherever else he prowls around for victims.

I can't emphasize this enough: Take the advice already given and GTF away from him. He's a sick bastard. I can't even really consider people like him human.

Yeah, the problem here isn't his dishonesty. It's about what he's been hiding for who knows how many years.

You need to let your family know so they can block him on all social media! He doesn't need any kind of access to them or their pages ever again.

Ha, oddly enough, I was worried about that too (because a CT scan I had on my chest mentioned seeing residual thymus and a nodule there 😬) I'm sorry you're worried about something like that! It more than likely is weakened neck muscles. You can try running your concerns by to a doctor and see what they think!

Good! I hope that helps. I've had it before because of antibiotics, and it took 2-3 weeks before I saw a reduction in signs, and that was without medicine.

BIL is trying to groom you and normalize his predator behavior! Please please please tell your boyfriend! It's considerate of you to think about their relationship, but your BIL is the one messing all that up, NOT YOU. He's trying to make you feel sorry for him by whining about his wife "neglecting" him... He's a low life. If I had to make a guess, I'm sure he neglects his wife and children to do what he wants (oh and prey on young victims who he thinks he can get away with assaulting!) I hope you reconsider things and tell your boyfriend. And hopefully, you and him and stay somewhere else. You definitely need to be away from that sicko BIL!

Just wanted to let you know antibiotics can actually cause thrush, so I'm guessing you got it from the antibiotics you took for your other sicknesses. If you can, try eating yogurt and getting good bacteria back into your system. Viruses can cause so much trouble and pains that you'd never think they would!

Oh okay, I gotcha! I'm glad you can have some reassurance in the wart situation! Aww thank you so much! I have lupus and a list of other ridiculous secondary illness, and my mom had pretty much the same things (she had lupus, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and Hashimoto's.) She passed away in 2017. She had so many awful health things going on 😥 it's odd of me to say maybe, but as much as I miss her more than anything, I'm glad she's not suffering and in pain anymore!

Sorry for the sad bit! I appreciate your care! ❤️

That makes sense; I tend to do the same thing 😂 I want to learn about important things (health is one of those) but maybe I read a little TOO much health info. Right! I can relate... I don't like not knowing things, but when I know things, anxiety is like 👋😈 lol