Idiocracy manifest. Succulent shrimp everywhere.

It’s a snowball effect. It’s harder to save your first $1000, living paycheck to paycheck. Once you invest and build to $10,000, $1000 is easy just letting the portfolio grow. At $100,000, $10,000 gains come fairly quickly. After $100,000, the next $100,000 comes much faster compared to starting from nothing.

It’s also an effect for the rich getting richer. Once someone has $10,000,000, just gains alone will net them another milly easily, in a year or so. This keeps gaining on its own passively. So every year, that person gains life changing money. Life is on easy mode once it hits a certain benchmark.

The owners were aware of the robbery and looting. They called Oakland PD and seven hours later no response. Oakland could have sent multiple cars or a tactical team to jack these idiots. The city did nothing.

This is the same area that just lost In and Out, the Hilton, and tourists were getting robbed at the gas station. Now they destroyed the gas station.

What the hell is the point. These people won’t be happy until not a single building is left standing.

Wow. Corn is 8 for a $1 but they have prices like that? And a $25 turkey leg when you could buy an entire turkey for those prices.

I won’t lie. I would hug him and cuddle with a giant potato dog. I bet he’s super soft like a giant teddy bear.

Definitely a youth thing. If you’ve never had a Songbird, watch out as she’s going to fuck you up mentally. But for those of us who have been fucked over before, she’s a recognizable trope.

I DRSed and voted twice 🚀 🦍

I got a few. Whenever there’s a run to $300 pre-split, there were many people coming in to tell folks to sell. Any comments or posts resisting that got reported for self harm. Pretty wild.

That self sealing stembolt was riveting. Give the stembolt an award.

Requested the shares back? LOL no way.

Total lack of enforcement. I saw quite a few fireworks that were the legit display ones that were meant for beaches and firing over water. Massive explosives that filled the sky and made artificial daylight. It’s crazy those get popped off in the suburbs and ghettos.

My dogs are going crazy but they’re suffering through it.

No one tell her. Let it be a surprise.

A good blend of not being a complete asshole to the workers like a boomer, but also not weak coddling snowflake shit because work isn’t a safe space. So I like the balance. Also someone born around 1978-1984 remembers the old school, pre-Internet world when things could be tough.

You can work part time or contract then take time off. Then new contract followed by time off. You don’t really need $300k in exchange for wild hours. Just work for less and get less money.

The first time you load up a game, you’re going to scream like Shadout Mapes. “When you have lived with prophecy for so long the moment of revelation is a shock.”

It becomes normal eventually. But there’s a lot of novelty until then. Go through all your old games and see which ones support 21:9.

Note a 4070 isn’t strong enough to max out 240 or 175, but on older games it works. I have a 4080, and Black Mesa runs at 300 frames and Bioshock is like 400 frames. But stuff like Phantom Liberty, I’m lucky to see 90-120 frames, depending on settings. You’ll have to tweak options on new games.

It’s happened before where they were about to assault a dude and started accusing, but it was some random guy waiting for his Uber. They gotta be more careful, although I don’t trust vigilantes to always get it right. Hell, the cops themselves will grab the wrong guy sometimes.

Merge them into Weslix, and then laugh gleefully when the crew refuse to restore them. And let that be a warning to Weslix; if he’s annoying he’s getting spaced out the cargo airlock.


Launch fighter

Launch fighter

Launch fighter

If he died today he would be happy. He got the last laugh on Dr. Disrespect.

I DRSed and voted twice 🚀 🦍

You can sell puts and get into a stock cheaper. The premium earned helps offset the cost to buy shares, and getting assigned is no big deal if you were looking to buy at a discount.

If the hedgies drive the price down and you’re assigned, you still get in cheaper than the current price, and some of the cost of that stock is offset by the premium. If you buy and hold primarily GME, and like to buy the dip, it’s a strategy.

Do as much research as possible before deciding. This isn’t financial advice, and be careful you don’t blow up your account.

echo chamber of hate member

Bench press