Ah fair. Thanks. I was wondering if people didn’t like the brand.

Why do you guys not want the Laura Geller?

Could be meadow mushrooms; would like to see the top of the mature cap. Please do not eat them until others chime in.

Hmmmmm. Not sure if I want to click on that.

They deserve each other too much to ever divorce.

I didn’t know there are multiple species of puffball. If it’s white throughout it’s edible, right?

Not trying to scare you, but shaving a pink-skinned dog makes them prone to sun burn and even subsequent skin cancer. Please put a shirt on the poor baby when she goes out in the sun. I’m so sorry this happened.

Agreed for the most part, but I don’t think basal cell carcinoma typically presents like that. Still, the shape of this thing makes me think it’s not BCC either.

Ok there’s some science in this I think. The venous blood draining from the very outside of your butt goes back into the systemic circulation, bypassing the liver and gets diluted by blood draining from other organs; that from the upper rectum, however, travels to the liver directly via the hepatic portal vein. So theoretically, if you boof it far enough up your ass, the THC will be converted to 11-Hydroxy Delta-9 THC faster, thus have a quicker psychoactive effect.

And how lucky is his kid to be homeschooled by an uneducated, illogical idiot!

That’s what I’m saying - the religion itself is not Islam, but Herbert was appropriating the culture of Islam because it’s an exotic religion to him. The criticism to the prophecies, etc, can be interpreted as a jab at a lot of current affairs, including those of other religious entities, but the undertone of the series is set as Islamic because Herbert thought it paints the most beautiful and foreign backdrop.

DAE read/watch Dune? (Rant) 🤬

I’m almost done reading the first installment. It’s a captivating story, but I CANNOT get over the Islamic undertone. Like Islam may or may not be the basis of the beliefs described in the book, but it’s definitely used to portray an “exotic” environment and culture. It’s an embodiment of western romanticization of an unredeemable religion.

Idk either man. I wonder if it has more to do with the local laws that allow owners pay table service staff less? Or that when “expected”tipping was just becoming a thing, table services were more likely to earn tips simply because of the extensiveness of diner engagement?

I thinks it’s more about how it’s long been expected that you tip at sit down places, while tipping counter service is a new thing that we are being pressured to accept.